Loaded-Gun.Com - Anti-Social.Com's Rejects!
General Category => Entertainment => Topic started by: ladiefury on November 23, 2009, 10:36:48 PM
we had this discussion tonight at work... name 5 bands that make you want to puke:
5. fleetwood mac (stevie nicks is a witch man)
4. the eagles (see earlier post)
3. van halen (yep.. i said it i hate van halen)
2. creed (no you can't take me any higher than marijuana)
1. pearl jam (dudes eddie vedder's voice pisses me off)
honorable mention: the sex pistols (listen to his voice and tell me it isn't infuriating)& jimmy buffet (really if you guys try to argue me on this fact i am going to scream)
Rock/Alt stuff right?
I'm limiting this to stuff that is played on guitars and drums. A thread on Hip Hop and Rap would take me all day
1. Nickelback
2. Creed
3. Limp Bizkit - I was at university right when they hit it big
4. No Doubt
5. Live. Lightening Crashes was a good song... when I was 13.
1. U2
2. U2
3. U2
4. U2
5. U2
This list is too hard.
Request adding a 6th band based on Emp's list
1. Lady Gaga
2. Brittany Spears
3. Creed (does indeed suck total ass)
4. The Fugees
Request adding a 6th band based on Emp's list
Approved. They should be on everyone's most hated list.
Burning Flames
El A Kru
Kevin Lyttle
1. The Mars Volta
2. Creed
3. Nickleback
4. Pearl Jam
5. Fall Out Boy
This list is too hard.
Same, basically.
I can only identify the #1 worst musical group ever as John Denver.
Worse than Abba?
I'm first-generation American-born on my mother's side. Abba was big in Europe. I grew up with Abba so I can't be fair.
Abba is ok.
Abba is NOT ok.
Every band that the radio station repeats every 90 minutes or less.
5. every band that either does dumb-ass covers of once-great songs or steals the music from once-great songs and raps over it.
Fuck me silly that drives me up the wall.
5: Pearl Jam
4: Nickleback
3: Creed
2: Matchbox 20
1: U2
That was pretty easy.
Dishonourable mentions go to Kiss, Hinder, Stone Temple Pilots, Guns N Roses, Cold Chisel and a whole slew of Oz rock bands.
Guns N Roses
Guns N Roses
You can't hate GNR and like ACDC. They're the same thing.
He doesn't like AC/DC that much, if memory serves.
I can listen to AC/DC and enjoy it. BUT I can only accept one GnR song, Night Train. Everything else I reject outright.
Fuck that noise. I'll agree that their only really great album was Appetite for Destruction, but what a great album that is.
Patience killed them for me. The same way every Metallica album after 1992 has been just awful to my ears.
Metallica-Metallica was barely OK. Barely.
Metallica's not a band. It's a business. As such, they don't produce music, they produce marketing swag, some of which stupid people can listen to.
Abba is ok.
I agree, I like Abba.
1. Blind Melon- No rain (that song is cursed)
2. Creed
This is really too hard. There are bands that I hate that usually have one redeeming song.
I agree with Sasha ...
I play a little of everything in my shows; even things I don't like because they are popular, however, I spread them out a LOT ...
I just don't know ...
He doesn't like AC/DC that much, if memory serves.
Memory serves correct.
I forgot to add Counting Crows. What a turgid bunch of cunts they are.
1. Blind Melon- No rain (that song is cursed)
2. Creed
This is really too hard. There are bands that I hate that usually have one redeeming song.
Blind Melon got what they deserved.
abba isnt that bad, its not my thing but it dosnt fill me with hate like a lot of things do. for what it is its well done and has excellent production
5. radiohead
4. dave mattews band or any other bob marley legend inpsired bullshit college pop reggae
3. any indie rock crap that people in their mid to late 20s like newer or older stuff like joy division. fugazi goes in here
2. anything anyone ironically found a new found appreciation for later in life: aka journey
1. gravy train and every band they inspired, fuck bullshit like millionaires getting lumped in with visionaries like brokencyde
Half of my favorite bands got shit on in this thread.
Oy vey.
So I'll just say any band that spells their name incorrectly (a la Trapt, Limp Bizkit, Korn, Staind).
Wait..... you DON'T spell the word Ludacris, ludacris?! That is ludacris!
I like that MCR didn't get mentionned yet.
I'd like to say I dislike bands with all the focus on the singer. Especially if it's a female singer. Like paramore or evanescence.
MCR doesn't rate anything but being ignored. They'd have to do something to be hated.
I wouldn't even know where to begin. I hate almost all bands.
Who the fuck is MCR?
my chemical romance.
They're one of those Blink bands, aren't they?
Kid Rock. Definitely Kid Rock.
I just heard All summer long.
Kid Rock is still alive? Wow.
In an interview, the singer of The Showdown said something to the effect of, "All these new 'screamo' acts are full of little boys that look like they're afraid to be in their band." Yes.
I can appreciate good lyrics, but if you can't keep pitch, you probably shouldn't be in a band. Chris Cornell comes to mind, total studio job. Saw him live, my toddler can keep a tune better than he can.
Onto acts who, despite their ability to maintain pitch, are unable to otherwise redeem themselves.
Gwen Stefani
Huh. All girl acts (save for Gwen Stefani). Never figured myself for a misogynist.
Chick singers suck for the most part.
But I would totally bang Jewel
I'd bang her teeth straight.
I'd totally bang Kelley Deal.
Heroin or no heroin.
I don't know any of their names because I don't watch that shit show, but any of the winners of American Idol, even the fat black chick. And I'd let that homo guy blow me if CT watches...
Hey CT, do you watch American Idol ?
1. U2
2. U2
3. U2
4. U2
5. U2
Agreed, but I'd like to see some Pearl Jam on that list too.
Cripes, this IS too hard, 'cuz every band/singer has done at least one thing i absolutely loved.
Last month, i would have said Bob Dylan, but i found "a" song.
And let me get this straight:
NO ONE hates Country/Western?!?
Nor Opera?
Don't have to listen to Opera or Country/Western. If I happen to listen to those genres, it's by choice.
A band like U2, on the other hand, is played everyplace. It's played in stores, on every variety of modern radio station, etc. While they aren't really the worst band I've ever heard, their popularity combined with the mediocrity of their music makes them my absolute least favorite band.
NO ONE hates Country/Western?!?
I like both kinds of music. Country AND Western.
It's 106 miles to Chicago, we got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark, and we're wearing sunglasses.
Hit it!
Has anyone said System Of A Down yet? Yeah, System Of A Down......I fucking hate that band.
SOAD are so off my radar I couldnt care less.
U2 are so frequently on my radar in one pointless form or another that one day they will receive my undivided attention.
It will not be pretty. Unless you like blood splatter patterns, then it'll be absolutely gorgeous.
What's to hate about SOAD?
While I can't speak for anyone else, I dislike them because that arrogant asshat Serj can't seem to shut his unwashed hippie mouth about politics and stick to music, one of the few things he's good at. It's totally cool to slam the US Government but if you assume we all support it, and you pick on the people who oppose it you're going to get your Armenian ass handed to you.
He also shills for PETA which makes him a pinhead.
Thankfully, I've never even heard the dude speak, let alone speak about anything political. Reckon I'll keep it that way!
He also shills for PETA which makes him a pinhead.
Hear hear.
Some of the bands here arent actually shit.
I personally hate Brit-pop Indie shite. Full of self congratulating wankers who sniff coke off each others arses at the Brit Awards.
And Coldplay. Fuck, I hate them more than Will Young. Who'd I'd like to push into a giant food processor.
And piss over him while the blades chop him up.
( Altho I suspect he might like men pissing over him...)
How can you not like brit pop?
Actually Suede I rate very highly. I don't think they sound "Britpop" if u know what I mean.
Jarvis Cocker writes terrific lyrics sometimes. And I'd say maxiumum respect for taking the piss out of Jacko.
But he still looks like a fag.His music is ok I suppose.
But the rest of the bands just seem to be a triumph of marketing over substance. ANd I fucking hate the students that like most of it.