Loaded-Gun.Com - Anti-Social.Com's Rejects!
General Category => Politics, Philosophy, News and/or Current Affairs => Topic started by: Zoomie on March 18, 2010, 05:27:58 PM
Get your black ass out of the store. (http://finance.yahoo.com/news/Black-people-must-leave-NJ-apf-1749619349.html?x=0)
I bet it was this guy:
Baby Got Back In Department store. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1GKaVzNDbuI&feature=related#normal)
lol black people!
Yeah. Some people are just too stupid to be racists.
A male voice came over the public-address system Sunday evening at a store in Washington Township, in southern New Jersey, and calmly announced: "Attention, Walmart customers: All black people, leave the store now."
Shoppers in the store at the time said a manager quickly got on the public-address system and apologized for the remark. And while it was unclear whether a rogue patron or an employee was responsible for the comment, many customers expressed their anger to store management.
For a while, every Target in the Dc-Baltimore area had the same code to talk over the loud speaker.
They changed that, though.
Boo. What a singularly non-news-worthy moment.
Yeah, we all know Wal-mart is way too upscale for negros. Theys all shop at Kmart.
hahahaha ....
Actually, on Howard 100 News people were asking Richard and Sal where they were when it happened ...
I love black women.
... 16 yo kid got arrested for this
Told you so. Was he fat with curly hair?
Where's the "Health Care Passed, We're All Gonna Die" thread then? Come on guys. Current events!
EDIT: OK. Found it, you code-speaking nuts.
I nominate myself to be on the death panel that gives thumbs down to your grandmothers. Offing fossils is gonna be great!
Can you tell me who you are going to off so I can marry them, get their wills changed, and steal the inheritance they might have left their family? I'll cut you in on the profits.
THAT's what I'm talking about!
It was a fucking PRANK, done by a shopper, and all the black folks get riled up and pissed off at WALMART?!?
Just fucking PERFECT.
So. What's this "code," anyway? ...
<~ planning a trip to WalMart
<~ giving serious consideration to This announcement:
"Will all white folks please exit the store? Y'all are creating QUITE the Glare for our Other Customers!"
That dude must be so pleased with himself. He was clearly trying to get attention. Nobody makes announcements like that unless they're trying to provoke a reaction. And by god we're giving him a reaction aren't we?
Intercom dumbass - 1
Civilized society - 0
I'd heard that it was just an employee who misunderstood the term "White Sale".
I'd heard that it was just an employee who misunderstood the term "White Sale".
HEY! What happened to your random music postings?
I miss 'em
I got bored with it.
Racist Joke (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IkVZGyyYfG0&NR=1#normal)