Loaded-Gun.Com - Anti-Social.Com's Rejects!
General Category => Entertainment => Topic started by: Phaedrus on July 22, 2011, 03:34:29 PM
I thought that considering the lazerusity of the site, time for a new one. Here's a few of my favorites of late:
Science Saved my Soul. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r6w2M50_Xdk)
Storm, the Animated Movie (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HhGuXCuDb1U)
And for a little contrast, a music video that caught my attention last week (stick with it, it gets much better as it goes along...)
Hot Chip - I Feel Better (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5GOZjlwIwfk)
Edit: aww, we don't have the player thing anymore? I was kinda getting to like that.
I don't know what Mosh installed before, so, I'll get w/him to reinstall it ...
It's a work in progress ...
Ok this one is seriously more fucked up than it looked like starting out.
Ian and Emp, in the day (thin, and, well, both fully American) reviewing foreign eJuices ...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SoaN0IuoTIo (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SoaN0IuoTIo)
I don't know what Mosh installed before, so, I'll get w/him to reinstall it ...
It's a work in progress ...
I'll go looking for it in a day or two...
I dont wanna fuck the board up if it goes pear shaped.
Ian and Emp, in the day (thin, and, well, both fully American) reviewing foreign eJuices ...
I guess that dude looks kinda like me, but dude, it's been a long long time since I was that thin ( or American)...
I guess that dude looks kinda like me, but dude, it's been a long long time since I was that thin ( or American)...
http://youtu.be/Jeu6bXxTwfk (http://youtu.be/Jeu6bXxTwfk)
Crowded House - Weather With You - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ag8XcMG1EX4&ob=av2n#)
The uploader has not made the video available in your country.
WTF, this is the only country bitches.
That Storm video was fucking brilliant. Thanks Fuse
His name's Tim Minchin. search for him on youtube and you'll find a bunch of videos even funnier than that. My favorite is "Five Poofs and Two Pianos"
Silence! The Musical: Put the F-ing Lotion in the Basket (Lego Cover) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iPnQ77a1UVk#)
Yes, this is an actual thing that exists. (http://www.silencethemusicalnyc.com/)
Tim Minchin's the shit.
Mark Twain and Satan - The Most Disturbing Children's Animation Ever Aired On TV! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2OsYCFOaCbg#)
Thrash, I read the novella that inspired the Satan character, The Mysterious Stranger. It was written at the end of Twain's writing years and is some of the most harsh, critical, and misanthropic writing I have ever read. The story should be made mandatory reading in all public schools.
I've been trying to figure out where this video came from and what it truly references for a little bit now ...
What the fuck. I don't even know what to say. There's nothing you CAN say.
Empire State of Mind: star wars spoof (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4fvWgJz6ees#)
I've been trying to figure out where this video came from and what it truly references for a little bit now ...
If you mean the film and not the story it's The Adventures of Mark Twain (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Adventures_of_Mark_Twain_(1986_film))
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Mysterious_Stranger (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Mysterious_Stranger)
I wanna read ALL of this now!
I mean, after all, I've been in the motherfucker's house!
Hahaha ...
Thanks, Johnny, for the reference(s) ...
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Letters_from_the_Earth (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Letters_from_the_Earth)
Left 4 Dead 2 - Helms Deep Map
Stick around for the end this is worth watching all the way through.
Left 4 Dead 2 - Helm's Deep Part 3 - The Big Guns! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YkS9EJmUuSo&feature=g-logo-xit#)
thought process just now:
1. left 4 dead... that's some zombie game thing. meh. but,
2. ooh, helm's deep? might be interesting. how lon...
3. oh. 16:19. nevermind.
oh god what is this
edit: oh apparently the site I got it from had it fast forwarded a bit, the insane part is around 1:15 in.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=-g7KBACkoCs# (http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=-g7KBACkoCs#)!
Is this just the night for me to find really fuck up shit or what? This woman has a whole channel full of this shit. Keep watching this, it gets funnier and creepier the further on it goes.
I don't want my pizza burning (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ERXq3r1Kq0Q&feature=plcp#)
I guess that dude looks kinda like me, but dude, it's been a long long time since I was that thin ( or American)...
Did Dylan shave off his neckbeard?
Silly Russians
Do you have a dirty mind? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&NR=1&v=nYRQFVSvSPc#)
We're NASA and We Know It (Mars Curiosity) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QFvNhsWMU0c#)
We're NASA and We Know It (Mars Curiosity) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QFvNhsWMU0c#)
(http://news.bbcimg.co.uk/media/images/62276000/jpg/_62276343_esp_028335_1755_irb.nomap-msl.jpg) (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-19262486)
Curiosity Sticks the Landing on This Week @NASA (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PRIlOPJQqsE#)
Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity Rover Animation (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4boyXQuUIw&feature=related#)
Most of us are too old to enjoy this without dying from it.
TurBaconEpic Thanksgiving - Epic Meal Time (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Xc5wIpUenQ#)
Fuck, I wanna try that ....
That would take days to cook.
Don't act like you have something else to do...
Well, he TRIED to make a difference; too bad he dropped dead on Christmas, 2011 at the age of 18 ...
http://www.youtube.com/user/BreedloveTV (http://www.youtube.com/user/BreedloveTV)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xf7frtuyF14# (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xf7frtuyF14#)
Why Christianity is Stupid (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LxKWxExuPew#)
Dumb Things Religious People Say (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i-LMpeEmaTk#)
Foxhole Atheist (http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&v=JEqyZWbrYrA&feature=endscreen#)
Atheist Kicked Off Fox News (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FK7XHEm7BE8#)
On a roll.
Bill Maher - The mass delusion (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=95iRvZOtUWA#)
I'll admit that I'm atheistic in my approaches to religion and its God/gods, but that first video that Tru posted does not make a convincing argument. It's riddled with logical fallacies.
One of the most notable is the instance of a god so powerful that it could kill itself. The reasoning structure falls in line with the old paradox: Can a god create a rock so big that it cannot lift it? If you are familiar with the outcomes then you can see that the question leans to closely to falsifying the outcome. Either the god can create a rock that is too big for it to lift, and therefore the god is no longer omnipotent; or the god cannot create a rock that it cannot lift, and therefore the god is not omnipotent. The two statements are paradoxical and inconclusive. The statement in the video is a fallacy in that its premise negates the conclusion. Logically the argument fails to support a coherent rational outcome and should not be used as a reasoning tool.
A better argument to consider is whether a person's loving god could possibly create/allow evil in the world.
Or why couldn't god update the ten commandments to include: embezzlement, rape, pedophilia, fraud, or arson?
... all points I've considered as well
.... oddly enough, I'm reading "The Mysterious Stranger" right now, and it kind of explains that
... Mark Twain's take on "humanity" (as he puts it, you know, from the "outside") is amazing in that story
You're still reading "Mysterious Stranger"?
It's definitely one of his more misanthropic stories.
I've been reading A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court. It is just as seething/sarcastic/condescending to church and Christian hegemony than his later works without sparing the humor.
I noted that I wanted to read it beforehand; I'm finally getting to it ...
I've heard about that other story (as I'm fro Ct, so it's kind of a staple I've somehow avoided; which is odd, because I'd avoided TMS when, in fact, I've been to the Mark Twain house countless times as a kid) ... Perhaps that'll be my next trip into the land of literature ...
I've been making it a point to read more since I bought Melissa a Kindle ...
Both she and I have been making/taking more time to just read (and a lot of classics are free for Kindle) ...
You can have multiple users on a single kindle account. So if you got a kindle as well, you'd only have to buy any given book once and you could both read it.
It's a free book, so it doesn't matter ...
The thing that sucks about e-books is that it's pushing out the market for used books. For example, if a college textbook goes completely digital, a student couldn't buy the cheap, used book at the book store anymore; they must settle with buying the book brand new at the standard price.
I never thought of that ...
Doesn't really matter about that because most Universities/colleges have started using different text books each year to maximize profits anyway. There may only be slight variations between the old and new but you need the book specified, not a close (used) copy.
Man, things have really changed since I last bothered educating myself ...
The Day The Earth Stopped Masturbating -- 2012 -- Trailer HD (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A-b2YNErwxw#)
Best Vids of 2013 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=UDqBx8TKdOk#)
Christ is my nigga (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kppx4bzfAaE#)
I have to say I don't approve of Ineptunian's stance, but I have to admit that last rap was pretty good. Except it sucks ass.
Oath keepers bitches.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lQYUXFLY728 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lQYUXFLY728#)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?&v=6_3dDNPwJTU (http://www.youtube.com/watch?&v=6_3dDNPwJTU#)
Monkey butt, the link worked fine as it was.
I always test them. But it still doesn't open on the board like Fuse's fixed link.
Humm, his link only presented the first time I opened the thread. Now it's just a regular link again. The last one that presents correctly is Ineptunian's from best vids of 2013.
Is something wrong with the embed code? Or is it on my end? My middle button click function recently quit working and I don't dare shut my PC off. It died a few weeks ago and I thought it was the power supply so replaced that. But If it goes off for any reason I have to wait like 10-15 mins with the PS shut off or the power cord pulled out before it will wake. Pain in the ass because I used to put it in sleep mode at night but that is not a good idea now. So not sure the PS was at fault, may be a bad cap on the MB.
It does run a lot cooler with the new higher capacity PS though.
No, it just started that for me as well ....
I already liked this series, but this scene in particular made me a fan of Matthew McConaghey.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RKRksnjSxWI (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RKRksnjSxWI)
Hahahahahaha I have pissed off so many people on Youtube I'm surprised I haven't been banned.
Hahahahaha I just noticed I drove a poster off Youtube tonight and he deleted all his posts. I hope he doesn't commit suicide.
LOL just kidding, I hope he does!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qQ3roIzOgbE (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qQ3roIzOgbE)
Ummm Angela Cartwright, I had such a puppy dog crush on her.
Still do!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2vjPBrBU-TM&list=FLqfOaJwnml0aVbwagTxFFSQ (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2vjPBrBU-TM&list=FLqfOaJwnml0aVbwagTxFFSQ)
My niece says I'm weird for liking this video, but god damn can that little girl dance. And the song itself is amazing, I love it. I never even heard of it until Jim Carrey did a parody of it in an SNL sketch a couple months back, and I had to look it up to see what the hell he was referencing. I wanna find more music by this woman now.
Maddie Ziegler is the little girl doing the dancing.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V0gLxFj-YNg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V0gLxFj-YNg)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YV1HvG6ArOU (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YV1HvG6ArOU)
These fuckers are going to get killed.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YkYpMuRA58g&index=107&list=UUjmG9pnCGCeird0UU0pQhBA (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YkYpMuRA58g&index=107&list=UUjmG9pnCGCeird0UU0pQhBA)
Fucking hilarious.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-c1x4JZnjSc (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-c1x4JZnjSc)
No, THIs is fuckng hilarious.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JDaLg7G8rH0 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JDaLg7G8rH0)
The true story of Sleeping Beauty.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1U1sNtSOCsA (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1U1sNtSOCsA)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e1S9HUNoI4k&list=PLNbPfHuoCdjOLzOMfKMCdHlT0vSfZXjLz (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e1S9HUNoI4k&list=PLNbPfHuoCdjOLzOMfKMCdHlT0vSfZXjLz)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-v2mvO7Yq48 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-v2mvO7Yq48)
Must have been a lot of work masking all those clips together.
Holy shit; I remember this:
penis Sketch 1 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wdbaEQP-ckk#)
Conan O'Brien wrote this (for the most part) ...
I've always thought this was incredibly clever:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xFN9Km9KFXU (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xFN9Km9KFXU#)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ZpDEx7LuAo (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ZpDEx7LuAo#)
EDIT; THRASH: Fixed link for video preview
Karloff? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0EMIhi06wuc#)
For Phaedrus:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gufNnp9U8bU# (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gufNnp9U8bU#)
Panic Button
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8hXaAdcQ5Nk# (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8hXaAdcQ5Nk#)
Yeah I don't know.
EDIT THRASH: Fixed link for preview
I follow this dude on vine and youtube. He's silly as fuck, but I still think he's pretty funny.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AwT6k9C398s# (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AwT6k9C398s#)
EDIT THRASH: Fixed link for preview
Hahahaha as lazy as I can be I don't need this.
www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=Zv-mnSPsKKY (http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=Zv-mnSPsKKY#)
Now if the cloths could be moved from a bin, to the washer,
and then the dryer and delivered to another bin all clean and folded that would be an app.
Strange to have to worry about your washing machine getting hacked.
The more wireless we get, the more vulnerable we get ...
Funny as hell.
Oh, and, for the record, I installed a video display plug in ...
It works with a ton of different sites ...
I thought it'd be easier for you to share these things otherwise ....
Better than upload, but uTube still worked anyway. Some external links aren't going to work after a short period even if copied and pasted.
Yeah, changed standards of video and shit ...
I'm trying ... Heh ....
Melisa is that your girl? The big M or C as the case might b3
Ok this is funny
John Batchler
John Batchler
4 months ago (edited)
More lies of the maker of these rrockeys for going to space at a cost of astronaut lives good example Apollo 13
Samurai Momo
Samurai Momo
1 month ago
Except the Apollo 13 astronauts did in fact come back alive.
1 month ago
I think maybe you meant Apollo 1? Yeah they were murdered.
2 days ago
And the various growths had calamine.
1 day ago
Well maybe they had calamari too. Space squid!
1 day ago
The fractured osmosis settings have revealed themselves, and they are made of oxidation.
1 day ago (edited)
@nakyer There's a church on an Eastern bay where they fleece a hundred fools a day ... and the priest said jesus your a fine boi, what a good bitch you would be, but my life my love and my purpose is fleecing sheep.
4 hours ago (edited)
Yeah Brandi used to wash his ass as he told his god like stories
She could see his asshole fall and rise she saw it's raging glory.
And she always knew that it was the truth cause he was a christian man.
One of these days Brandi might understand.
3 hours ago
55 minutes ago
Your landings are withered and rounded. Cotton for the pure defiance of extended hexagons.
11 seconds ago
@nakyer Yes they are but from age and I am certainly in defiance of polygons.
Is this where we find ChuchOfFudge and post it again?
haha ...
Subjective Lyrics eh!
Shit ...
That reminds me of another song ....
Good, go for it!
I'm trying to remember what it is ....
I cant remember what post I made about Dire Straights but here is the original correct version.
Check it out before it gets banned.
I don't think they would ban it ...
It was introduced during "Live Aid" ...
It's "historic" and I'm sure it's "grandfathered" in somehow ...
I saw one something like it, but with the "N" word in it ...
>>Nukkaz!-a broken down car usually rescued from a mucky river and is said to have magical powers thriving off the marijuana in side.<< Hahaha
I can't resist to use the word Nigger but mostly it involves inanimate objects.
But seriously, sometimes like with OJ ... it fits. You can't be afraid of a word can you?
I'm not afraid of any words, Nigga!
Following the thread; not YouTube, but good ...
This is interesting, but about half way through I had to skip to the verdict. The Prosecuter woman here reminds me of Marsha Clark, specifically chosen because she was incapable of hosting a proper case. Money always gets it's way.
Damn ...
I love that show ...
Which one, Combat or Twilight Zone?
I loved Combat as a kid, of course I now see it as a form of brainwashing that lead me to enlist.
This one is interesting never saw this before.
Twilight Zone; never been a fan of Combat ...
The show or the Atari video game ...
This ones for you Thrash.
Dude ...
Where in the HELL did you find that one?
I've watched the first 7 minutes so far and I can't stop laughing at it ...
I can't wait to watch the rest ...
Good find, dude!
Hahahahahaha .....
Ok, I watched the whole thing ...
Dammit, it's a cliff-hanger ....
I knew that one would make you laugh.
Oh and happy DST.
More on this, haven't thought about it enough yet but this DST could be a bad thing.
Aren't they all?
So, where's the further adventures?
I've seen a few "spinoffs", but I can't find the continuation(s) ...
Daylight Savings Time has only two episodes a year!
I'm thinking just kick it ahead about 1/2 hour next time and LEAVE IT THERE ...
Hahaha I usually ignore it an just make the adjustment in my head.
Well, that doesn't always work with most people ...
It'd fuck me straight up ....
Dude ...
Where in the HELL did you find that one?
I've watched the first 7 minutes so far and I can't stop laughing at it ...
I can't wait to watch the rest ...
Good find, dude!
Hahahahahaha .....
Hey bud it seems there are a few episodes.
Hahaha at least she doesn't shoot "gravol" out of her ass. (Smut reference)
Damn ....
I looked at the FB page of theirs; not much there for updates ...
I'll check that link out ... I'm liking this ...
"Wanna make out?" ... Hahahaha!!!!
A little shift, this reminds me of me! To a point. He says the same shit about the .gov and .mil and the real agenda that I tried to tell people about all the way back to the original A-S.
He's half insane, however, what he's right on, he seems to be right on ...
He looked like he was on crank but seriously what he said for the greatest part rang tru.
Heh; I see what you did there ...
I miss his show "Conspiracy Theories" ...
I'm surprised he wasn't shot for half the shit he walked into to expose ....
From last year, not associated with A&E.
Funny thing; I've been asked repeatedly over the years (and by various, uhm, people)
if I heard "anything" before Building 7 fell on my team ...
Oddly enough, there was so much going on at the time, I really don't know ...
I know I saw the first crumble, I ran, and it fell ... I don't know past that; I was too busy trying to get out of the way ...
Campy retro from 1970.
Thought you might like it.
In the year 2177, the world is under the control of a master computer. For recreation, however, people are allowed to view sex tapes.
Ok, I can see watching this one when I get a little more time than I have tonight ...
Currently unavailable on DVD anywhere, this forgotten gem surely deserves a reissue Particularly when other, less deserving (and often atrocious sub-standard VHS print quality) movie product is routinely unleashed into a saturated and often ambiguously represented video market!
Wow ...
>> ambiguously represented video market!<<
Hey, ya gotta love that phrase.
Bit of a shift but interesting.
Ha ....
Back to the concept of the thread for a bit,
I've seen and heard this ...
From the entire narrative ...
More Thong Girl for you. It's Solarmovie.net so lots of popups and bullshit to wade through.
Bikini Avengers
When the Jade Empress hatches a plan for world domination, it's up to crime-fighting duo Bikini Avenger and Thong Girl to stop her and her nefarious minions.
Direct movie links, may time out.
That was some of the funniest shit ever ...
I need to see the continuation of the first one ....
Seems to be a lot of fucking and ass licking in this one, I thought you might like it.
Umm I have licked women's asses. Sometimes I fantasize about ending up licking a strange woman's ass out of the blue, you know, just to give her day a boost.
Is that wrong?
I'm all about it ...
Seriously ... (not just anyone, mind you) ...
"So I had my tongue up this chick's ass ...
No, you'll love this one; I was just telling my mom about it before I came out here ...
So, this chick looks down at me, like, 'do I know you?' ... I said, 'hey, honey, you know
it gets boring here in line at the bank! OH!'"
I need to look up more Thong Girl shit ...
My favorite Pink Floyd song of all time to play, perform, and just ... in general ...
Interesting take on it ...
This is some funny shit, not as funny as when the target turned the tables and destroyed the scammers PC and it's a little drawn out but still funny ass shit.
and guess what? He lives next door to you.
Here's the full 2 minute commercial ...
(It adds a few things to it) ...
This is hilarious especially the monkey at the end, I don't remember that one. I remember all of these from the back page of comics through the 60's and early 70s, though my family was far too poor to indulge me.
I remember most if those things ...
... and the "hovercrafts"
But, the LIVE monkey?
A live 'vicious' monkey! hahaha
Right ...
I remember the news story; vaguely ...
Every one of these is hilarious.
I've always liked those ...
I liked them when Johnny Carson did them too ...
Hey dude, check out all of these MrVinylObsessive videos freshly recorded from vinyl.
Here is one to get you started. But I hope you have a good sound system, these deserve it.
Wow, it starts with Sirius ....
That is, like, ... wow ...
I used to use that to announce scores during trivia nights ....
I love this; thanks for the share, Mike ...
Amazing how all that sound separation and definition comes from a single pinpoint.
Man I gotta get my turntable in order.
The first one of the vinyl recordings I listened to was this one. For quite a long time this song seemed quite apropo. But possibly or probably not for the obvious reasons.
Here is "Burping Girl" (who I think is a guy) ...
I'm another note, you know what "Spandau Ballet" is; right?
Well that's disturbing.
You never answered my question ....
(Spandau Ballet is a pretty morbid name for a band, actually)
Would it be better if it were called The Remington Ballet ?
Anyway that's the only song of theirs I've ever heard.
"Spandau Ballet" is a WW1 term for someone getting gunned down by a "Spandau" machine gun ...
In WW2 it was expanded to also include the convulsing of those exposed to nerve gasses in the gas chambers ...
Now why would you know that sir?
Why don't you start a band and call it The Zipperhead Apocalypse?
Used during Vietnam, Charlie was coined zipperheads because of the way a head looked after it had been hit with a high powered automatic weapon.
Or maybe The Zipperhead Consortium?
Not a bad band name ....
... and I know lots of things I probably shouldn't know
... but, yet, I somehow do
If it makes you feel any better, this person doubts it HERE (https://english.stackexchange.com/questions/469801/first-use-of-the-expression-spandau-ballet) ...
(... and even relates it to the possible hangings of German war criminals)
You see I bought a ticket to the world when I enlisted, and it completely ruined my perfect patriotism.
I liked this song (Spandau Ballet - True) because during 9/11 I tried to clue people into the real deal but all they wanted to hear was the packaged bullshit being shoveled by the bush admin.
Yeah I'm a fucking soldier and I understand how a group of people would react under automatic fire . Maybe it is a bit dark but what about all the devil fucking garbage music during the 80's and 90's? Was that a good thing? (mosh)
Worse than rap and that is not a stretch
Did they have it wrong when they said all they wanted was the truth to be known? HUH?
I'm going to need a reference here before I can comment ....
(Other than agreeing that people are stupid) ...
I like the dirt runs further down the page.
Fictional Scotch
I've seen the Glengoolie brand on Archer many times but usually only the first part of the name was visible, I always thought they were drinking Glenfiddich.
Because the bottle and label are similar. But the product is clearly featured on the episode I'm currently watching and is one of the first images on this site.
Ok these aren't exactly youtube links but there is one or more youtube video links on them.
Not youtube but related to the vinyl offerings and my comment about getting my turntable in order. Ok I dug it out of storage tonight (Beogram 3000) and check this shit out.
Replacement cartridge, (this is ridiculous) but the top of the line replacement for this 50 year old turntable.
I also have the matching Beomaster 3000-2 receiver that was sold with it. A matched set. Now you can look up the Beogram 3000 turntable on eBay and let me know what you think but this set is turning out to be a spectacular thrift store find for $15... from many, um many years ago.
The 3000-2 receiver is in MoMA in NY city, although not currently on display apparently.
The cartridge and stylus are intact and appears to be undamaged. The drive belt needed to be replaced. It didn't seem important at the time. Been in storage all this time. The amp worked quite well many years ago but today I can't say.
The "lift" medallion on the turntable control knob came off when I tipped it over to get the exact model number. Needs to be glued back on, but that little aluminum circle alone costs $20! hahaha this thing is a gold mine now.
edited because I realized I hadn't specified the turntable from the start.
sucker weighs a ton though for a turntable.
There's a LoT of classic old "hifi" equipment going to tons of money these days ...
Why do you think there's a big deal made out of "tubes" or "tube emulation"?
Hell, I've jammed through a bunch of old electronics and it's to die for ....
Even far more rare I have this, fully functional and original from 1966.
It has a modest 100w x 2 RMS output.
Even had a long email convo a few years back about it with the designer who was one of the founders of Dolby Laboratories. It has a unique architecture.
He was fucking amazed that I even had one! And had tracked him down. Hahahaha. He told me all about how the top engineers back then always drove Lincoln's ... Because the blacks all drove Cadillac's! LOL
It was the 1960s ...
But, holy balls; I'd love to pump some good tunes through that shit ....
Now I wanna go and jam with a tube amp ...
also not youtube but more closely related. Remember when we were taking about the Trailer Park Boys? Been a while, I just revisited the Cartoon version and even though I know I have watched these before they are still really funny.
Might need some help with this source in the form of good ad blockers, redirect blockers ect. It's pretty trashy but easy to deal with once you get to know it.
If you don't have a clear understanding of what I'm getting at it may allow the fake Microsoft virus warning page scam or some other crap that tries to tell you your computer is locked and took over your browser-at least-because blah blah blah. Those can be hard to deal with if you have other tabs and or videos buffering in the background. If you don't have these tools, Just saying.
Ok YouTube straight up.
No, I don't really subscribe to this but interesting to think about.
I bought that AdGuard lifetime deal ...
I'm pretty happy with it ...
YouTube eh.
So Fucking Funny
I've done that; the reactions are priceless ...
This girl almost kicked my ass thinking I peed in front of her kid (whom I didn't see at the time) ...
Hahahahaha ....
Amazing how many just turned around and went back the same way they came. Do you think they were worried about getting peed on or were just afraid of possibly seeing his dick?
... I think this society is a little more "numb" to such things these days
(think Jackass, Punk'd, Impractical Jokers, and shows of the likes) ...
Only the extreme of the dickballs say shit anymore ....
This guys narration is annoying, but the stories are funny.
WHY? Are you that deep into asses?
I've never even watched GOT, nor care to ...
I just thought it was funny ...
The only part I thought was slightly funny was when the person set their pants on fire.
I have never watched an episode of GoT either but I seem to remember you made a comment a year or so ago that lead me to believe you were a follower of the series.
No; Amy was ...
Sorry if I wasn't clear on that ...
Hahahaha Zoomie +1 👌
Yeah, his sig nails that vid ....
Yep I've been posting it everywhere. Credit given of course.
I've watched it twice ...
I laughed both times ...
Holy shit snacks; I remember some of these ...
Not directly applicable but relevant.
Until you wrote shit snacks, now I know you liked Archer. Hahaha
Oh and also I remember a bunch of those, especially the Flintstones cigarette commercials.
They appeared almost exactly same time as the Surgeon Generals warnings came out.The goofy grape and the fritos one for sure. You should NEVER watch TV people.
<3 Archer. ...
Yeah WTF, the last two videos you posted look playable until you click on them then it pops up "Video Not Available" copy the title and go to youtube do a search for it and it plays.
I'll edit them when I get on my computer, I've been doing it on my phone recently ...
Martha & Snoop's Potluck Dinner Party: Season 1
Honestly, when I first saw that announced ...
I thought it was, like, a Saturday night live parody ad ...
Oh Martha is gettin it it fo sho!@
Fo'Shizzle, Muh'Nizzle ...
Motherfucking YouTube is starting to piss me the fuck off. They have started censoring posts. Used to be you could say whatever but just in the past few days I have has a dozen or more posts sent into the Twilight Zone by pussy assed censors who have their religious sensibilities bruised by shit I have to say.
I'm going to install a keylogger because even if a long post is really well thought out, if you say one thing they don't like your post is gone. And a long well thought out post is really hard to reproduce and likely would still go into oblivion if you tried. So was thinking of posting it over and over.
Nobody can speak their mind in their comments section anymore. Unless you want to say something they allow. Really fucking sucks.
That's because the millennials need to be coddled ...
IF you ain't sucking their dicks, you shouldn't open your mouth ...
Fucking turds ...
If you ever feel too bad, Tru ...
Armless Showering:
Armless Using The Bathroom:
More Here:
I would just get a hot nurse to do all that.
Today it's been 24 days since I hit the hospital, I started walking without aid ie walker, crutches, cane ect about three days ago.
I usually take a crutch along because walking without aid makes my leg hurt later. But recently I have started forgetting about my crutch and leaving it in the other room.
Meh, tell us what to parrot, I can't resist anymore.
Vote for Trump and if he doesn't honor his word to start a NEW CRIMINAL investigation into 9/11. If he doesn't live up to it the demonstrations so far will pale in comparison.
Today it's been 24 days since I hit the hospital, I started walking without aid ie walker, crutches, cane ect about three days ago.
I usually take a crutch along because walking without aid makes my leg hurt later. But recently I have started forgetting about my crutch and leaving it in the other room.
You know as well as anybody, you have to build it back up ...
I heard this years ago, and I'm STILL trying to figure out how/why this is the theme to M*A*S*H ....
Motherfucking YouTube is starting to piss me the fuck off. They have started censoring posts. Used to be you could say whatever but just in the past few days I have has a dozen or more posts sent into the Twilight Zone by pussy assed censors who have their religious sensibilities bruised by shit I have to say.
I'm going to install a keylogger because even if a long post is really well thought out, if you say one thing they don't like your post is gone. And a long well thought out post is really hard to reproduce and likely would still go into oblivion if you tried. So was thinking of posting it over and over.
Nobody can speak their mind in their comments section anymore. Unless you want to say something they allow. Really fucking sucks.
I reread this; why not post the video here and repost the comment(s) here as well ...
You know that it won't be censored here, and you can always just link to it ....
Interesting idea, I'll try to think of that next time I'm pretty sure one is going to be deleted.
I heard this years ago, and I'm STILL trying to figure out how/why this is the theme to M*A*S*H ....
Can't shed any light on this but a lot of army (military) guys do commit suicide, so could have something to do with it.
I thought of that too ....
This was a bit of extra tagged on at the end of a movie I watched on youtube.
But check out the name of the guy that just got fragged. Someone from the old days?
You killed the undead?
Hey I wasn't involved, just tripping on the name lettering of the guy who just got killed.
Like a poorly remembered syntax with an R1 finish.
Ahhh, gotcha ...
You wanna hear something I just found out yesterday?
The day I though about that song (and posted it), I also thought about my friend
for a split second ... I don't know why; I've not spoken to him in years ...
... he killed himself that night !
(Like, no bullshit; he really did!
His daughter even wrote on FB "at least you aren't in pain anymore, daddy")
How fucked up is that?
Here's an interesting concept, pulled off quite well ...
Ahhh, gotcha ...
You wanna hear something I just found out yesterday?
The day I though about that song (and posted it), I also thought about my friend
for a split second ... I don't know why; I've not spoken to him in years ...
... he killed himself that night !
(Like, no bullshit; he really did!
His daughter even wrote on FB "at least you aren't in pain anymore, daddy")
How fucked up is that?
I never paid enough attention to this post from a few months back.
Don't know what to say except I finally realized how much this must have meant to you.
Forgot, I wanted to post a youtube clip.
It's aight ....
And I remember that Popeye episode ...
They used to show Popeye on WSBK Channel 38 up here when I was a kid ...
I didn't remember that episode.
I'm sure I've seen them all at one point or another ...
Aren't they ALL dangerous?
Yes but this motherfucker is obviously insane as well as being a criminal, what does that say about all the people who believe his bullshit and send him money thinking they can buy their way into their imaginary heaven.
This is why it's no longer enough to simply be an atheist.
Even then ...
Atheism should just be the norm ...
Hey you like these girls?
Yeah, we've talked about this in the celebrity nude thread ....
I'm more about Kat than Beth ... I'd do them both, however ...
Even then ...
Atheism should just be the norm ...
Well yeah in a global sense, but atheists currently tend to sit idly by while religion promotes craziness and seeks to control government.
Anti-theists speak up against religion whenever the opportunity arises.
If that means ripping some random 'praise jesus' moron a new asshole so shall it be.
For the foreseeable future this should be the norm.
Yeah, we've talked about this in the celebrity nude thread ....
I'm more about Kat than Beth ... I'd do them both, however ...
I should have provided this link but I'm not sure you are wearing protection.
And yeah Kat is something. Not for her big tits but her personality gets me.
The blond, meh!
Agreed ....
Even then ...
Atheism should just be the norm ...
Well yeah in a global sense, but atheists currently tend to sit idly by while religion promotes craziness and seeks to control government.
Anti-theists speak up against religion whenever the opportunity arises.
If that means ripping some random 'praise jesus' moron a new asshole so shall it be.
For the foreseeable future this should be the norm.
Most of the time I don't share my religious views ... (It's not worth the effort, honestly)
In Florida, it's run by mostly Baptists, and I have ripped them ear-to-asshole many a times ...
The shameful thing is that ATHIESTS are persecuted now (not that I give a fuck) yet RELIGIOUS ZEALOTS say what they want
with utter impunity ... It's a tragedy, really ... I'm an OPEN ATHIEST, when asked ... Otherwise, I just don't bring it up ...
We need more OPEN ATHIESTS in gov't ...
Religion was NEVER supposed to be a part of it anyway ...
(Yet, it very much is; shamefully, actually)
Thunder often happens when it's NOT raining.
But still, this little girl has talent.
And she is fucking cute too!
Before I look; we're talking about Blondie/Debbie Harry; right?
among quite a few others
Holy balls ....
More than just how they look I was interested in how they sound/sounded.
Most just don't have the energy to reproduce what they once did. I guess I shouldn't feel too bad about how my voice has gone down hill over the years, the only regret is I didn't have the balls to break it out for the public when I was younger.
Well they are kinda small, LOL!
I still perform professionally ....
I'm still aight ... Age will hit me, I know ...
I'm not looking forward to that day ....
I still perform professionally ....
I'm still aight ... Age will hit me, I know ...
I'm not looking forward to that day ....
How often do you do this? If it means a short term paycheck, then likely pretty regularly. Keeping it up makes a difference, most 'stars' go off on something else after becoming comfortable. Makes it harder to do a comeback performance after many years of neglect.
Plus as I mentioned, it's fucking hard to feel the same energy to put into it.
I noticed several including Blondie had back up/background singers filling in that were never used originally.
Kind of depressing really.
Wanted to add, I've been having some dental work done recently, still ongoing, not at all satisfied yet, but something like that really changes your ability. You have to first get used to the physical changes in your mouth.
And that can be a chore.
These guys are fucking insane.
Well shit. I watched a bunch of those "reaction" videos with different people in carbon copy worlds. It seemed strange that so many reaction videos followed exactly the same style and format. So I looked for live performances.
And the guy on the left in every one, three at least I watched, has a laptop or keyboard that he constantly presses keys on. That is NOT "A Capella". Right?
Interesting ....
I'm not sure what to think about this array of videos ...
I'll have to watch them again when I'm not ass-tired ...
I feel like I'm missing something at the moment ...
As far as performing live, I change the line-ups/set lists all the time ....
I also have gotten pretty good at improvisation (musical and spoken), which helps a lot ...
Speaking of which, you reminded of an act that changed over the years until they wrote their own oblivion ...
I know you'll remember this one ...
I just barely remember Shields and Yarnell, because I hated that slapstick commercial mime looking shit. Just never appealed to me. Would have never even thought about that act till the end of time if you hadn't mentioned it. Still can't stand to watch it.
So how does one of your public acts go for instance, what do you bring to the venue? As far as material and other shit. Can you describe one of your typical acts for me from start to finish in a text format? A script if you will.
Mine, personally?
... or Shields and Yarnell?
Yes yours.
I'm a bar/restaurant musician who has been on some of the largest stages in Florida ...
I'm a bar/restaurant musician who has been on some of the largest stages in Florida ...
Cool, I went to Berkeley ... twice!
Youtube related.
Remember recently I or my username TruAnRksT was banned on Youtube for harassing religious people?
Check this out, I had to do a couple restarts recently and had to log into google/youtube over again. Well I did so on my Firefox browser, but the CCleaner browser also responded somehow and it logged me in with my _old_ username, even though that is not even a login option. So now I have my old username back (on the CC browser). All my subscribers and all my comment history is still intact. I've posted a few times as a test. I wonder how that works?
No idea; but run with it ...
(And link it to another account of yours if you can)
This is clever shit ....
(There's 3 so far in the series [from this dude], and more about CostCo, Aldi's, WalMart and more!)
This is an interesting series too ...
Holy shit; I remember this one!
I've done this:
I dig this girl; a lot!
Sorry; try these ....
I dig this girl; a lot!
Gee, I guess you do!
Yeah, she's kinda cool ....
Question, what do you make of this?
I watched an episode of according to jim, it's old but pretty good.
The wife was under at the DDS office and Jim and Andy meet Bo diddley and Jim abandons Cheryl to give Bo a ride. Works out of course for a TV sitcom.
I looked up BO and from a modern perspective I don't thing he was really very talented, except for playing the guitar, sort of.
I mean I am sure you could have replaced any of the string players with ease. And although he is a legend he didn't have that great of a voice in my opinion.
I hear this in that:
Um, is anyone in that video actually performing or just lip syncing and shit?
I'm talking about the sound, bro ...
Well yeah but if its just a production ...
No, I meant the Bo Diddley and that one are similar ....
Fuck the video itself ...
$12K for a PAIR of Porsches in 1973?
Well they are just VW's on crack.
Tru'Dat ...
$12K for a PAIR of Porsches in 1973?
Treasure Hunt was also a game show in the U.S. between 1973 and 1977, and was revived as the New Treasure Hunt for a short run in 1981. Produced by Chuck Barris (of The Gong Show fame), and based somewhat on a 1950s show by the same name, Treasure Hunt was one of the strangest game shows to ever travel through our troposphere.
The actual mechanics of the game were much simpler in operation than can be described: the studio audience would be asked to simultaneously open a box under their seat. 10 of these boxes contained a smaller box wrapped in gold foil. Those lucky 10 were asked to stand, and on the Host's signal, open the gold boxes. 3 of the 10 would find a number inside their box, and those three would be invited down to the stage, where 3 larger boxes sat. The audience member (now contestant) finding the number 1 in her gold box would choose first from the 3 larger boxes; the contestant with number 2 in her gold box chose second; and the contestant with number 3 got the remaining large box. Again, on cue, the three contestants would open the large box, and one of the contestans would find either flowers or a jack-in-the-box, indicating that they were the winner.
That winner would then go on the titular "Treasure Hunt," which consisted entirely of calling out the number of one of the 66 large and lavishly wrapped boxes set on risers downstage. (The set looked like a Macy's Christmas display without the tree.) A scantily-clad model would trundle up the stairs to the chosen box, and carry it back to the host. Then the real fun began. Each box had an envelope on the top that contained a small amount of money-- a few hundred dollars usually. The host would open the envelope and offer the contestant the opportunity to take the money and walk away without seeing the contents of the box. In doing so, the host would usually peek inside the box and taunt the contestant, shaking his head with a grim expression or suddenly shifting gears into meaningless small talk or pulling out a harmless trinket from the box with the implication that more remained, all to build tension and anticipation. After what seemed like an eternity, the host would reveal the contents of the box-- the contestants practically never took the money-- which in many cases was nothing more than a "klunk," a useless prize like an old wig or a butterfly net. Sometimes, the box contained a small prop or card (or a klunk) that hinted at a bigger prize, which would again allow the host to slowly torture the contestant as he revealed what she had really won, usually the typical game show booty of appliances, Turtle Wax, etc. And, on a few occasions, the contestant picked the box containing the Grand Prize, a $50,000 check (give or take-- the amount varied from show to show). The whole cycle was repeated twice per episode.
It wasn't the basic mechanics of the game-- which was little more than an overblown kids' birthday party activity-- that made it such a curious artifact. Rather, it was the abundance of weird design elements that made each episode such a surreal experience.
The show would begin with a shot of a shadowy figure standing amid the prize boxes, accompanied by a somber voice over stating "This bonded security agent has hidden a check for $50,000 inside one of these 66 surprise packages." Emil Arturi, the "security agent"-- dressed in a black suit and derby-- stood impassively onstage during the whole show. During each game cycle, the host would ask Emil to confirm that he had, in fact, hidden the check, to which Emil inevitably answered stoically "Yes, I did." Beyond that, he maintained the fixed stare and solemnity of a guard at Buckingham Palace, despite the Host's always unsuccessful attempts to make him smile or laugh.
The strange design of the show extended to the selection of the contestants themselves. The audience was, without exception, uniformly women (frequently obsese), as the producers allegedly believed that few men would tolerate the drawn-out process of revealing the prize. Based on their reactions onstage, the producers clearly selected only the most excitable and frantic women as contestants. Edwards was routinely manhandled by contestants anytime he revealed a big prize. More interestingly, there was always a surprisingly large percentage of black women in the audience. It's not clear whether they were selected based on stereotyped belief that they would be even more hysterical and emotional than white contestants, or whether the producers were simply being progressive in recruiting black contestants, but the cynical answer is probably the correct one.
The vast bulk of the show consisted of the drawn-out and bizzare ways the Host slowly revealed the final prize. Often, the Host and other cast members would devolve into some kind of scripted skit before the prize was ultimately revealed. For example, in one show, the Host revealed that the contestant had won "a two-year old girl" as a production assistant walked a small child onto ths stage towards the bewildered contestant, only to have another show staffer run out on stage to raise a (scripted) objection to using kids as prizes. Or, the Host would simply flat-out taunt the contestant, telling her she had won "TWENTY FIVE THOUSAND . . . coffee beans! {pulling a bag from the box and handing it to the disappointed contestant} . . . that you can take for a spin in YOUR BRAND NEW . . . coffee grinder!" etc. (The contestant subjected to this particular extended torture fainted onstage after finally learning that she had won a car, and was later interviewed by Mike Wallace of 60 Minutes for a piece about the "exploitative nature of game shows." She said that it was the best experience of her life.)
The entire process was simultaneously hilarious and exasperating, and the Host, game show veteran (and frequent alt.tv.game-shows denizen) Geoff Edwards, had a knack for keeping contestants on the verge of a nervous breakdown. Although most of the sketches were scripted, it was usually up to Edwards to ad-lib his way to the sketch opening, and since most boxes' contents were keyed to a separate sketch or other pre-written piece, Edwards had to memorize close to 60 different cues for each taping.
Treasure Hunt was such a departure from the usual game show conceit that some people consider it to be a sort of "anti-game show," much like Barris' other legacy, The Gong Show or Queen For a Day. In Treasure Hunt, the contestants were not required to demonstrate any skill whatsoever and the "game" was merely the drawn-out revelation of the prize itself. Arturi, the stoic "bonded security agent," was clearly a tweak of serious game shows that played up their stern security measures, like "prize vaults" or the ubiquitous "soundproof booth." The show wasn't trying to lure viewers who would imagine themselves in the contestants' places like the traditional game show. If anything, it wanted viewers to be glad they weren't the poor contestant being strung along interminably. Although some of the skits often made Edwards or another cast member the butt of the joke, the underlying attraction of Treasure Hunt was the cruelty of Edwards repeatedly raising and dashing the contestants' expecations.
It was clearly way ahead of its time in the 1970s, and would probably fit quite nicely alongside curent television game shows like The Weakest Link. I'm surprised no one has thought to bring it back.
Umm I don't think it's as fair or legitimate as the weakest link.
But shit what do I know ... I've never seen it!
Well except for the one episode you linked to.
... in case you're wondering about the "bonded agent", Emile Autuori (1928–2017) (https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0042617/) ...
How do you roast the career roaster/insult artist?
... in case you're wondering about the "bonded agent", Emile Autuori (1928–2017) (https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0042617/) ...
I have to admit I haven't seen that one.
Story sounds weird "won a Klunk". Funny.
How do you roast the career roaster/insult artist?
Wow, I just noticed Jack Klugman in the line up. I didn't expect that.
I used to watch Quincy, M.E.
Strange to realize he was part of this club as well.
$12K for a PAIR of Porsches in 1973?
Treasure Hunt was also a game show in the U.S. between 1973 and 1977, and was revived as the New Treasure Hunt for a short run in 1981. Produced by Chuck Barris (of The Gong Show fame), and based somewhat on a 1950s show by the same name, Treasure Hunt was one of the strangest game shows to ever travel through our troposphere.
The actual mechanics of the game were much simpler in operation than can be described: the studio audience would be asked to simultaneously open a box under their seat. 10 of these boxes contained a smaller box wrapped in gold foil. Those lucky 10 were asked to stand, and on the Host's signal, open the gold boxes. 3 of the 10 would find a number inside their box, and those three would be invited down to the stage, where 3 larger boxes sat. The audience member (now contestant) finding the number 1 in her gold box would choose first from the 3 larger boxes; the contestant with number 2 in her gold box chose second; and the contestant with number 3 got the remaining large box. Again, on cue, the three contestants would open the large box, and one of the contestans would find either flowers or a jack-in-the-box, indicating that they were the winner.
That winner would then go on the titular "Treasure Hunt," which consisted entirely of calling out the number of one of the 66 large and lavishly wrapped boxes set on risers downstage. (The set looked like a Macy's Christmas display without the tree.) A scantily-clad model would trundle up the stairs to the chosen box, and carry it back to the host. Then the real fun began. Each box had an envelope on the top that contained a small amount of money-- a few hundred dollars usually. The host would open the envelope and offer the contestant the opportunity to take the money and walk away without seeing the contents of the box. In doing so, the host would usually peek inside the box and taunt the contestant, shaking his head with a grim expression or suddenly shifting gears into meaningless small talk or pulling out a harmless trinket from the box with the implication that more remained, all to build tension and anticipation. After what seemed like an eternity, the host would reveal the contents of the box-- the contestants practically never took the money-- which in many cases was nothing more than a "klunk," a useless prize like an old wig or a butterfly net. Sometimes, the box contained a small prop or card (or a klunk) that hinted at a bigger prize, which would again allow the host to slowly torture the contestant as he revealed what she had really won, usually the typical game show booty of appliances, Turtle Wax, etc. And, on a few occasions, the contestant picked the box containing the Grand Prize, a $50,000 check (give or take-- the amount varied from show to show). The whole cycle was repeated twice per episode.
It wasn't the basic mechanics of the game-- which was little more than an overblown kids' birthday party activity-- that made it such a curious artifact. Rather, it was the abundance of weird design elements that made each episode such a surreal experience.
The show would begin with a shot of a shadowy figure standing amid the prize boxes, accompanied by a somber voice over stating "This bonded security agent has hidden a check for $50,000 inside one of these 66 surprise packages." Emil Arturi, the "security agent"-- dressed in a black suit and derby-- stood impassively onstage during the whole show. During each game cycle, the host would ask Emil to confirm that he had, in fact, hidden the check, to which Emil inevitably answered stoically "Yes, I did." Beyond that, he maintained the fixed stare and solemnity of a guard at Buckingham Palace, despite the Host's always unsuccessful attempts to make him smile or laugh.
The strange design of the show extended to the selection of the contestants themselves. The audience was, without exception, uniformly women (frequently obsese), as the producers allegedly believed that few men would tolerate the drawn-out process of revealing the prize. Based on their reactions onstage, the producers clearly selected only the most excitable and frantic women as contestants. Edwards was routinely manhandled by contestants anytime he revealed a big prize. More interestingly, there was always a surprisingly large percentage of black women in the audience. It's not clear whether they were selected based on stereotyped belief that they would be even more hysterical and emotional than white contestants, or whether the producers were simply being progressive in recruiting black contestants, but the cynical answer is probably the correct one.
The vast bulk of the show consisted of the drawn-out and bizzare ways the Host slowly revealed the final prize. Often, the Host and other cast members would devolve into some kind of scripted skit before the prize was ultimately revealed. For example, in one show, the Host revealed that the contestant had won "a two-year old girl" as a production assistant walked a small child onto ths stage towards the bewildered contestant, only to have another show staffer run out on stage to raise a (scripted) objection to using kids as prizes. Or, the Host would simply flat-out taunt the contestant, telling her she had won "TWENTY FIVE THOUSAND . . . coffee beans! {pulling a bag from the box and handing it to the disappointed contestant} . . . that you can take for a spin in YOUR BRAND NEW . . . coffee grinder!" etc. (The contestant subjected to this particular extended torture fainted onstage after finally learning that she had won a car, and was later interviewed by Mike Wallace of 60 Minutes for a piece about the "exploitative nature of game shows." She said that it was the best experience of her life.)
The entire process was simultaneously hilarious and exasperating, and the Host, game show veteran (and frequent alt.tv.game-shows denizen) Geoff Edwards, had a knack for keeping contestants on the verge of a nervous breakdown. Although most of the sketches were scripted, it was usually up to Edwards to ad-lib his way to the sketch opening, and since most boxes' contents were keyed to a separate sketch or other pre-written piece, Edwards had to memorize close to 60 different cues for each taping.
Treasure Hunt was such a departure from the usual game show conceit that some people consider it to be a sort of "anti-game show," much like Barris' other legacy, The Gong Show or Queen For a Day. In Treasure Hunt, the contestants were not required to demonstrate any skill whatsoever and the "game" was merely the drawn-out revelation of the prize itself. Arturi, the stoic "bonded security agent," was clearly a tweak of serious game shows that played up their stern security measures, like "prize vaults" or the ubiquitous "soundproof booth." The show wasn't trying to lure viewers who would imagine themselves in the contestants' places like the traditional game show. If anything, it wanted viewers to be glad they weren't the poor contestant being strung along interminably. Although some of the skits often made Edwards or another cast member the butt of the joke, the underlying attraction of Treasure Hunt was the cruelty of Edwards repeatedly raising and dashing the contestants' expecations.
It was clearly way ahead of its time in the 1970s, and would probably fit quite nicely alongside curent television game shows like The Weakest Link. I'm surprised no one has thought to bring it back.
Something else interesting I looked up (since this is from 1973-1977, and they revised it again in 1981 ...)
$25,000 in 1973 is worth $147,287.16 today (2021)
$50,000 in 1981 is worth $143,884.49 today (2021)
Well I haven't watched that one yet, I have seen the ones that use acetone to in a small way remelt the surface. There is also the polishing technique using progressively smaller particles. these methods need to be followed up with a uv blocking clear coat. Um, maybe this is the one where you just use WD-40 and call it a doneer.
Can't wait to see how this video makes this happen. Just not interested at the moment, but maybe later. I would like to do something about mine. WD-40 only works for a day or so.
Just like you just said ...
I actually love his humor about it ...
Ok, this actually isn't bad ...
I actually love his humor about it ...
I didn't know he was gay.
Hahaha ok never thought about it.
Ok, seriously; the dude was funny taking the piss out of himself about it ...
This chick (SSSniperwolf) is both annoying, because of her voice but also hilarious.
Meh, I'm a subcriber.
He does a pretty good Jerry Lewis.
Just wanted to ask your opinion on this story.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LXuKk0tHtnY (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LXuKk0tHtnY)
Humm, looks like youtube is broken now.
Nope, it's my firefox not showing the videos just blank.
I noticed it gets stuck while downloading some things and in this case it flashes a loading notice but keeps switching between thing and another and never gets either. All of the other sites with youtube embedded work fine and all of the movie sites still work fine. They probably broke something with their last "upgrade".
Well I disabled all of my extensions, then re-enabled them a few at a time.
They are all back in service, well at least the ones I depend on anyway.
The Videos show fine now.
It's definitely plausible. Operation Paperclip, among several programs, are on the record as the US working to keep/protect Nazi scientists, engineers, etc. The Gehlen Organization in West Germany recruited and used hundreds of Nazis in coordination with the CIA. Prosecution of Nazis was incredibly selective and driven by American OSS/CIA leaders (some of whom shared sympathies with fascism/Nazi ideology to boot).
I could certainly see US intelligence turning a blind eye to Hitler living in Argentina in exchange for information.
The singer died a day or two ago, I really dug this band. Finally saw them in 2019 by chance, they were on the bill for a different band and I didn't even notice.
Early 90s video that I'm willing to bet made Beavis and Butthead at some point.
I love a lot of the Death Metal formats ...
Entombed, Morbid Angel, Cannibal Corpse, Caracas ....
Love that shit ....
This chick (SSSniperwolf) is both annoying, because of her voice but also hilarious.
Meh, I'm a subcriber.
She's aight ...
She's also worth about $5M ...
I need to make YT vids if that's the case ....
I just started watching and don't care to try and work it out but I've heard that they get about $0.05 per view from each ad. So that is why there are so many bullshit uploads on places like youtube with dozens of ads. For a popular channel the people watching may not mind sitting through them.
I really wouldn't know because I have never seen an ad on youtube,ever, but I've seen dozens if not hundreds of people constantly complaining about them.
Same here; they are rare to me as well ...
I don’t see any. My combination of Firefox and ghostery seems to block them all.
Hmmm ....
I use AdGuard ...
I don’t see any. My combination of Firefox and ghostery seems to block them all.
I've had Ghostery for years it's great, but never realized how powerful it is, it skips ads on Tubi. Sometimes you have to pause it until the video loads but then you can immediately resume and enjoy the video ad free.
I remember you mentioning it a while back ...
ll'll have to give it a shot ...
I do have a minor problem with my Firefox add-ons.
Sometimes they disappear off the header, they are still enabled according to Firefox, but every time I see a commercial on Tubi I look and the icon is missing and I have to go back to the add-ons control, disable then re-enable ghostery. It's not a big deal, just annoying.
Code flaw ...
It happens ...
I always laugh at this commercial ...
Hahaha I have Geico! Costs about $24.00 a month.
I pay $197 for two cars for the year ...
$20k/$40k ...
I've also been with them for 25+ years ....
(With an EMS discount)
Code flaw ...
It happens ...
Yep, unrelated but relevant, I thought something was hosed because I couldn't get the task bar to pop up, my hide icons app was going crazy and many close, minimize, and other clickable buttons didn't work. I was blaming it on firefox, or suspected something even worse was amiss.
Turned out my mouse wheel button was sticking down. LOL
I pay $197 for two cars for the year ...
$20k/$40k ...
I've also been with them for 25+ years ....
(With an EMS discount)
That's damn good, here you would likely be paying that amount per month, or something of the sort.
I switched to Geico after my DUI because they offered me a policy for $36 a month while Farmers wanted $67 for the same coverage.
Yeah; I'm def not changing ....
I see your video above, and I raise you this:
Without admitting to being bested, I have to say it seems we have come full circle.
Agreed ....
Funny episode'
Just for the fuck of it try this. The end was cool.
Do you think her production crew is just making this shit up?
She does seem to recycle themes A-lot.
No, I think they exist ....
I think she needs new writers though ....
The first one, well he is no SRV.
The second seemed quite a bit forced with studio material filling in.
Well I was never really a Van Halen fan but that's my opinion.
I can play that whole lead note-for-note on a guitar ...
It's kind of how I started ....
This was from the year I was born; I think ...
I need to get this (it's where the above video came from):
Duh; it's right here:
Umm okay so the age restricted one was a mistake I suppose, and that the Beatles parody is included in the third post?
Yes ...
"Genius Is Pain!" - Or "Magical Misery Tour" (Same Thing) ...
This one is totally fucked up:
Would be funny if it flowed better without the large gaps.
Yeah, I think that's a flaw in both of them, actually ...
Well youtube be damned. I've been watching a Last man standing marathon because I actually have lots to do but can't face it. Eneway I found this interesting trivia. I liked tool time and knew Tim had spent time in prison.
These are some of the details from back then. -late 70's-
Now his new show has a decidedly religious slant but it isn't too annoying, except it seems like every forth episode is about christmas and "gift giving" ie,. consumerism, somehow.
He did stupid shit when he was young ....
(Meh) ...
If you REALLY pay attention to him, he has the subtle demeanor of a drug dealer/ex-con ....
(Or at least someone a hell of a lot "harder" than he portrays on his "vanilla" TV shows)
Seriously, pay attention to him on those shows; you'll see it ....
A month or abouts ago I watched a movie called "Wreck", it wasn't very good. Woman crashes her vehicle, rolls down a hill and of course is "trapped" under it. Basic plot yeah, but when the camera zooms out and does fly around to show her dire situation, this was impossible to miss.
He did stupid shit when he was young ....
(Meh) ...
If you REALLY pay attention to him, he has the subtle demeanor of a drug dealer/ex-con ....
(Or at least someone a hell of a lot "harder" than he portrays on his "vanilla" TV shows)
Seriously, pay attention to him on those shows; you'll see it ....
Oh yeah I see it, that's why I like him.
Yeah, some people don't ...
I always have ...
And as a paramedic, I've seen that situation with wrecks a few times ...
Yeah, some people don't ...
I always have ...
And as a paramedic, I've seen that situation with wrecks a few times ...
By Wrecks do you mean the last post or the one before because I'm interested in both.
But if by Wrecks and you mean the one about the Wreck image, then I seriously doubt anyone came along after the fact and stabilized the car like that ... at the beginning of the movie!
Oh wait someone did and then she wriggled under the safe car in a space provided for her for the movie pretending to be trapped! Woohoo I finally get it.
I still blame it on the director and cinematographer. The audience should have never seen that.
Yep I bet you've seen that!
I'm not sure what I was looking at there now ...
But I've seen my fair share of wrecks and trappings ...
Yes I know "real life" but this is the movies. look at the progress bar, this scene isn't close to halfway, and she is there for almost the entire movie. Now obviously this was set up exactly as I outlined, the point I wanted to demonstrate is that movies are supposed to be designed to lure a person into the story. But then 5 minutes after she crashes they pan the camera around and show that! (by accident?) If you click the image it should expand, so you can see it better. Seriously, the car was well anchored long before she ever arrived, for anyone paying attention that one scene gave it all away. No way to get immersed in that discontinuity.
Oh, I get it now ...
They tried to camouflage the chain with the tree ...
Yeah, that's totally fucked up ...
Oh, I get it now ...
They tried to camouflage the chain with the tree ...
Yeah, that's totally fucked up ...
Hahaha NO!
They never intended to show the chain but who ever was in charge of the camera angles fucked up, and NOBODY caught it!
This is related to my post on emailing directors about stupid shit in their movies but a little different.
Yeah, that's kinda fucked up ....
I mean, you'd think SOMEONE would have caught that in edit ...
Yep that's my point there, this was at the start of her ordeal long before anyone supposedly knew of her situation or location.
Moving on.
He's not wrong ....
(Even though I've made over $10K in real money from it so far)
And how did that which I find hard to believe happen?
I invested early in some, but not early enough to be rich ...
I also keep rolling my profits into other coins (playing with "house money" only at this point) ...
Basically, if it all crashed tomorrow, it's still be ahead ...
My corp still pays my phone after many years. I have stock in the corp.
But is it seriously worth anything? Well they pay my phone! LOL
I like this one, but it is a cop show.
I love Taxi!!!
And, yes ...
I can cash it out any time ....
(For actual CASH [at this point]) ...
This show is actually better than I remember. Love this episode.
I'll allow you to guess why I think you'd like this.
Match Game Banned Episode - Brett Answers "A Fag"
(Notice CNR Isn't On The Panel That Day)
To follow up on the last post ....
A little more history, and an NPR interview with Celentano ...
Demo around 20 minutes ...
This is funny, however, Judas Priest is NOT "Death Metal" ....
Some are a little weird; some are cool ....
A similar list ...
This one has GG Allin!
Speaking of GG Allin:
On Jerry Springer (Before the format change) ...
On Geraldo ...
GG Allin's last interview (He was dead 4 days later) ...
Every interview he's done on TV ("in order") ...
A Little Better Version (For Seeing The Book):
You have to watch this in its entirety ...
You'll piss yourself ....
It gets even better ....
Holy dogshit tacos!
I give the singing an 8, at best ...
Overall, he's a 9 ... WOW!
To follow up on the last post ....
A little more history, and an NPR interview with Celentano ...
... part 2, a few years later (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ERM9PivOfA4) ...
I've ALWAYS thought there was something wrong with these ...
... and my neighbor has 2 of them (although in good shape, I've never seen them running)
Best Film Short Ever!
Heavy Metal - Comedy Horror Short Film
I miss this place ....
Song list for the last video:
01 Intro 0:00:13
02 King Of The Kill 0:01:04
03 Blackest Day 0:04:53
04 Operation Annihilation 0:10:57
05 Clown Parade 0:17:01
06 Set The World On Fire 0:21:57
07 I Am In Command 0:27:27
08 Never, Neverland 0:33:10
09 Fun Palace 0:39:29
10 Phantasmagoria 0:47:18
11 W.T.Y.D. 0:51:04
12 Wicked Mystic 0:56:30
13 Alison Hell 1:01:01
14 Shallow Grave 1:08:44
What the actual fuck?
The American The IT Crowd Pilot:
The last 2 videos are "My Daddy's A FudgePacker" (parody) ...
and "Boys Beware" (Serious Anti-Gay film from 1961) ...
I know there was a second one produced as well ...
I'll try and find it ...
Girls Beware (Sexual Assault, Maybe?), again, from 1961:
YDKJ - Commercials Of Vols 1-4
YDKJ - More Commercials (Labelled) - Part 1
I totally thought "Who is this guy singing, and why does he kinda sound like a girl?" when I first saw this ... I knew this song from my old college radio DJ Daze ...
And A Little Older ...
And Older Yet (40th Anniv)
Note-For-Note; The Best Violent Femmes Song:
Although, I do love opening shows with this one from time to time ...
So, Violent Femmes ...
Gordon Gano was an OK singer, and a charismatic frontman, but the REAL talent is the bassist ...
Seriously, it's the bassist ... Listen to the songs I presented again, and listen/watch ... It's the bassist ...
Again, my fav of theirs ...
I used to cover it in my live shows and NO ONE KNEW WTF it was ....
This is pretty fucking cool ...
I think I'd have fun with it ...
This is a classic example of someone "opening up" ...
He's listening to VH, and CDB ...
This is his "reaction" to CDB ....
Good for him ...
Brie Larson gives us a treat at 6:49!
What in the ACTUAL FUCK?!?!!?!?
How was this .... just .... TF?!!?!?
Compilation of beautiful women from The A-Team TV series. The A-Team was televised on NBC from 1983 to 1987. The show starred George Peppard (John 'Hannibal' Smith), Mr. T (B.A. Baracus), Dirk Benedict (Templeton 'Faceman' Peck), Dwight Schultz ('Howling Mad' Murdock), Melinda Culea (Amy Amanda Allen), Robert Vaughn (General Hunt Stockwell) and Eddie Velez (Frankie Santana). Music is the theme to The A-Team composed by Mike Post and Pete Carpenter and conducted by Daniel Caine. Actresses in the order they appear in the video:
Alison Rinehart
Ana Obregon
Lisa Denton
Tia Carrere
Judy Landers
Markie Post
Lydia Cornell
Sue Kiel
Tracy Scoggins
Deborah Shelton
Tricia O'Neil
Shawn Weatherly
Kimberly LaBelle
Eileen Barnett
Nicolette Scorsese
Joanna Kerns
K.C. Winkler
Joni Demarest
Melody Anderson
Judith Ledford
Denise & Dian Gallup
Jeana Keough
Judy Strangis
Devon Ericson
Meilani Paul
Jeannie Wilson
Deborah Wakeham
Marta DuBois
LaGena Lookabill
Tracy Brooks Swope
Stacey Nelkin
Holly Gagnier
Lori Lethan
Wendy Fulton
Lenore Kasdorf
Katy Baldwin
Christie Claridge
Amy Steel
Barbara Stock
Lydia Lei
Karen Kopins
Christine DeLisle
Kim Johnston Ulrich
June Chadwick
Marsha Haynes
Stepfanie Kramer
Deborah Goodrich
Daphne Reid
Robin Riker
Tawny Moyer
Ava Lazar
Valerie Stevenson
Amanda Kennedy
Sherilyn Wolter
Wendy Kilbourne
Lena Pousette
Mary-Margaret Humes
Betsy Russell & Kimberly Ross
Marla Heasley
Corinne Wahl
Vanna White
Tasia Valenza
Rosemarie Thomas
Alicia Fleer
Karyn O'Bryan
Janice Heiden
Sheila Willis
Rhonda Shear
Nancy Everhard
Jenny Newmann
Raissa Danilova
Carole Davis
Mindi Iden
Lana Clarkson
Claudia Christian & Suzanne Barnes
Just ... Why?
I remember almost ALL of these, and have a few more suggestions ...
30 Shocking SitCom Moments
Here's an interesting band with an even more interesting story:
The Shaggs at Solid Sound Festival 2017
Set list:
00:28 Banana Bike (Dot Wiggin Band song)
02:51 Painful Memories
07:47 That Little Sports Car
10:27 Who Are Parents?
15:32 My Pal Foot Foot
18:41 Wheels (Outro)
You have to see this dude; I remember him from YEARS ago (late 80's/rarly 90's) ...
Here's 2 for you to look at ...