Loaded-Gun.Com - Anti-Social.Com's Rejects!
General Category => Entertainment => Topic started by: FAH-Q on February 21, 2009, 07:11:54 PM
The Black Album blows goats compared to any of their stuff that had Cliff Burton's fingerprints on it... even though the first 3 albums are very rooted in Metal, they have a Punk ethos (particularly hXc) to them that make them great.
That might sound like me being an old fart bitching that they sold out blah blah blah, but the truth is there's been plenty of artists that have "sold out" and made and make great music after becoming commercially successful.
For what it is, I guess the Black Album is not too bad. Much more bearable than their more recent stuff.
Their new album is terrible.
They haven't made an album worth stealing in nearly 20 years.
Ride the lightening is a great fucking song.
It's a great fucking album...
fucking fuckity fuck yeah
Haha. I've had a very similar Metallica experience, Si. I can't tell you how scared I was when I finally worked up the balls to download a few of their albums from Napster. What a badass I used to be.
I can play ANY song from the Black Album back ....
... I didn't bother after that
i like all the people that started apeing that new album they put out. but more i like how they spent millions of dollars on it and its totally mastered like shit. i bought it at bestbuy and took it to my friends house and made him listen to all of it on his super expensive record player. needless to say that really bummed him out
That might sound like me being an old fart bitching that they sold out blah blah blah, but the truth is there's been plenty of artists that have "sold out" and made and make great music after becoming commercially successful.
Sugar Ray
I hope you're kidding.
Sugar Ray had some pretty cool songs until they hit it big with Fly (which I actually liked, apart from it spelling their demise as anything cool at all). Then they got all radio pop and shit. Yech.
But you have to admit, Every Morning was catchy as a motherfucker.....
.....errr, I'm gonna go listen to some Absu.
Other than the fact that everything after the Back Album sucked ass, I can't even bring myself to listen to their old stuff anymore since they made all the faggotry about Napster back in the day. I just start to get sick when I hear them.
The one and only. Though other than the last incarnation of L-G I haven't gone by that username since 1999.
Yeah but you get all pissy if I call you John, don't you?
It was John, wasn't it?
Oh, and welcome!
Good to see that you're still a fuck-wit who can't see when someone's making general conversation.
Nothing ever changes.
Hey Fuse.
Haha you call that general conversation?
"Oh hi! and BTW you got mad once a long time ago and I got butthurt over it rofl."
Tee hee ;D
Talk about fucking blowin' a fuse...
You pegged it, dude. I've never gotten over it. It haunts my dreams.
crack open a brewski, give your bombshell fiancee a hug and try to get over it
I'll do my best.
\m/ METALLICA! \m/
Fuck Metallica. Even though their early albums up to And Justice For All... were technically awesome, it's hard for me to appreciate even their old stuff knowing how massively douchebaggy they are these days and how much their music gargles bawls.
\m/ METALLICA! \m/
ThrashInc: i wanna put a burrito into a taco ...
ThrashInc: however, I can't because it has a sauce problem at the moment.
Fuse1138: Aren't they just about the same thing? Except for the consistency of the tortilla?
ThrashInc: no, not at all
Fuse1138: maybe not.
ThrashInc: See, I have this burrito and it's filled with cream cheese right now
Fuse1138: sounds absolutely disgusting
ThrashInc: however, the taco's got an overflowing sauce problem, it's had it for, like, 3-4 days now
Fuse1138: Sauce has been pouring out of this taco for 4 days?
ThrashInc: yeah
Fuse1138: Did you buy it in el Twilight Zone?
ThrashInc: I mean, I can peel some chili to solve one part of the problem, though, I guess
Fuse1138: Didn't Taco Bell already do this? The gordito
Fuse1138: ?
ThrashInc: uhm, the founder's parents did, or so I'd think
ThrashInc: ok, off to Taco Bell ... bbiaf
Fuse1138: ahh
Fuse1138: seeys.
Fuse1138: Think I'm gonna get offline for awhile. Take a nap and heal.
ThrashInc: oi
ThrashInc: ** MUAH! **
Taco Bell is so key. I need to plan ahead next time I start drinking in earnest.
Haha hey Thrash, what's the date on that log? I don't remember.
Just when you thought Metallica couldn't get any douchier...
...they fucking throw a video of Mariano fucking Rivera up as background to their performance of Enter Sandman at some Rock & Roll HOF concert that's on HBO right now. I mean I guess it's fitting - Metallica are assholes and so are the stupid fucking Yankees.
Metallica are assholes and so are the stupid fucking Yankees.
Everything beyond their self-titled album isn't worth your time. Bob Rock just pushed the band off of the cliff, though they willingly did it all. Load (so aptly named) and every album since then as been some warmed over rehashed bullshit. Saint Anger... What a musical failed abortion that was. If anyone requests songs at the station, it's ALWAYS from the first four albums, usually from Ride The Lightning or And Justice For All. As a metal DJ, I tout what they have done for metal. But the newest album is the aural level of throwing shit to a wall and seeing what sticks.
Best thing they ever did:
Everything beyond their self-titled album isn't worth your time. Bob Rock just pushed the band off of the cliff, though they willingly did it all. Load (so aptly named) and every album since then as been some warmed over rehashed bullshit. Saint Anger... What a musical failed abortion that was. If anyone requests songs at the station, it's ALWAYS from the first four albums, usually from Ride The Lightning or And Justice For All. As a metal DJ, I tout what they have done for metal. But the newest album is the aural level of throwing shit to a wall and seeing what sticks.
Oh Metallica have no doubt turned into a complete joke. They aren't even worth talking about. So why the fuck did I make a thread about them? FML
\m/ METALLICA \m/ !!!!
Ha ha!@
What a bunch of fags, it really pisses me off how face blisteringly awesome their old shit is, because they're such a bunch of assholes.
Man, I was so fucking pissed back when they were suing Napster peeps. Fucking cock holes.
I've never gone to see those fucks, never bought a record, or any of their merchandise, and I intend to keep it that way.
Still, I do get really excited when one of their old kick ass songs gets played on the radio.
Fucking dick wads. Is this what it's like to be gay? To like something even though you know it's wrong, and to feel confused by that? Well, answer me Danzig!
That's probably what it's like to be a closet gay, but I'm not sure cuz I'm neither gay nor in the closet. But I'll suck your cock for the right price.
I'll suck your cock for the right price.
So you're a whore. Just like Metallica.
Let's not entertain his delusion that there's a price to be paid for his blowjobs.
We all know the cock in his mouth is payment enough.
But with that theory there's a gain to be made. So he's still a whore. Just like Metallica.
Why are we still wasting keystrokes on Metallica, and gay blowjobs?
It just encourages them both. And makes baby Jesus cry.
But with that theory there's a gain to be made. So he's still a whore. Just like Metallica.
There's a gain to me made for Danzig... About a teaspoon worth at least, right?
So why the fuck did I make a thread about them? FML
You did?
I have delusions frequently.