Loaded-Gun.Com - Anti-Social.Com's Rejects!
General Category => Substance Abuse => Topic started by: tricky on April 10, 2009, 06:41:09 PM
If so, under what circumstances?
I've only done it once... I had some time to kill so I sat there at the bar and read a magazine and drank some cider.
Do you go to meet people or what? I guess I'm sort of a wimp when it comes to going to bars alone.
When I get bored and nobody else wants to go out.
It's only a 3 min walk away and I went to highschool with the manager.
Knowing all the staff makes it easier to meet people. The males talk to me becuase I chat to the female staff and the women talk to me becuase the female staff tell them im ok.
This is an australian Suburban bar though, 4 miles from the CBD. Theres a sports betting section, pokies, restaurant.
I always go out to NYC bars alone however with my accent it's easy to get picked up/meet people.
I don't go to bars at all except J. Patricks and then it's usually to meet one of you goons.
in europe when i'm alone i do all the time and i end up meeting people and having a great time.
i used to go a place down by my old apartment alone and i was friends with the bartender so half the time i'd go in if it was empty just to see him.
i'd definitely go alone to a bar to kill time waiting to meet up with someone but for some reason i just don't have the fun doing it in the states that i do when i'm in europe.
i can't remember the last time i did it... which would be a good sign, if i wasn't so happy just drinking alone at home.
I go to bars alone. I'll have a couple of pints and read. I'd rather just walk to the bar and have a couple of pints than walk to the liquor store, wander around to pick something out, then have a bunch of beer sitting in my house.
I sometimes end up talking to people. It's always because they approach me though. I'm never there to meet people.
I have a lot of bizarre conversations with strangers generally so the occassional one in a bar is no surprise.
Yes. I am very selective about the company I drink with.
i don't ever go to bars. even when i had no children and was drinking heavily i didn't go to bars.
oh, wait. yes i did. i went to gay bars with my secret boyfriend. but i was already hammered by the time i got there so i don't remember much of it.
Did you have trouble sitting after nights like that?
Did you have trouble sitting after nights like that?
no, actually! he always was making me play pool with him and then telling me that every girl he'd ever taught to play pool he ended up fucking in the ass.
i regularly reminded him that i already knew how to play pool and i never let him near my anus.
When I get bored and nobody else wants to go out.
It's only a 3 min walk away and I went to highschool with the manager.
Knowing all the staff makes it easier to meet people. The males talk to me becuase I chat to the female staff and the women talk to me becuase the female staff tell them im ok.
This is an australian Suburban bar though, 4 miles from the CBD. Theres a sports betting section, pokies, restaurant.
I always go out to NYC bars alone however with my accent it's easy to get picked up/meet people.
Melbourne suburban bar(n)'s are sad and scary places. Usually full of desparate pensioners returning their pension to the government through slot machines, and scary bogan wanna be outlaw biker drug dealer types who will beat you to death if you look at them. They are soulless caverous spaces usually playing either musak Cold Chisel or John Farnham or some such aural atrocity, where the beer of choice available is either VB or Carlton Draught (both undrinkable, but potent) and the decor is designed to easily hose out the beer, blood and vomit. Pool tables exist as a drawcard, but really, who plays pool these days? Yup, scary bogan wanna be outlaw biker drug dealer types.
And you cant walk to them, you must drive. They usually exist at the intersections of two huge highways. They are not a destination. They are purgatory.
I went to a bar tonight alone to kill time, it wasn't the worst night of my life. Some random guy started talking to me, he was nice... yeeeeaaaah.
I went to a bar tonight alone to kill time, it wasn't the worst night of my life. Some random guy started talking to me, he was nice... yeeeeaaaah.
hooray for no ass spoo. hopefully.
I told him I wasn't interested in going out. But a nice guy nonetheless.
I told him I wasn't interested in going out. But a nice guy nonetheless.
i have spent most of the night camming with dyl. he's fighting a losing battle with sleep.
When I was younger I did, but only because the bar maids were whores.
Drinking by myself right now actually. I've been working on a statistics project for like three days and it's a complete fucking nightmare and all this end of semester shit is right up my ass. I gave up for the rest of the night, and now it's tequila time. Don't have any mixer so I'm mixing it with ice.
I can't remember ever going to a bar by myself, drinking at home by yourself serves the same purpose generally and it's cheaper.
My two cents.
RE: Melb stuff
Even the ones about the same distance from cbd as my local ?
We do have ones like you describe, you have to go further out of town though. Also nearly ever bar up here has been spruced up over the past decade.
I'm glad I don;t go drinking when im down there ( I am victorian ).
The small pubs in places like Fitzroy and Collingwood are excellent, but are inhabited by wanker types. Except the Leinster Arms, which is Chopper Read's local. If the owners weren't such Collingwood FC fanatics, it'd be the near perfect pub.
I live 17 kilometers from the CBD, in Blackburn, my choices are much more limited. I avoid the Blackburn, the Burvale, the Mountain View, Villiage Green, the Manhatten, the Bayswater, and others like it like the plague.
I've been away far too long to remember place names. I'm just a tourist now. I do remember bayswater however I think that might be becuase something happened there to get it on the news, which would be no suprise to you.
The geo/pop difference between Bris and Melb makes my head spin.
I was in BNE in October for work, first time I'd been there... I stayed in Fortitude Valley.
It was fun, but it was amazing how small the place felt. But I did watch some girl get nekkid in her apartment from Storey Bridge.
Yep, It is small for a CBD zone. Not too small though. The valley is the nightlife section of town, sadly its fucking ugly.
You went on the bridge walk ??? no, you mean just walking over the bridge, have too, nobody does the walk.
The only reason people walk over the bridge is to get to and from the storey bridge hotel or pineapple hotel. nice places. not my favs.
I just walked over the bridge...
I found the Valley to be highly amusing, probably for all the wrong reasons. When I got to work in Coorparoo on Monday, they asked where I was staying. I said the Valley, and they were all, "oooh theres drugs and bad stuff there"
??!!?? Felt ok to me, probably been cleaned up a while back.
It seemed tame compared to St Kilda, or the old Kings Cross. Worst I got was the odd abo hassling me for change.
ha, you were like 5 mins away from me.
And to most bris people the valley is bad ~shrug, they havent seen real scum before.
and it is amusing for all the wrong reasons, its just old news to me. im biased.
I don't really go out often at all anymore, and certainly not alone. But before I became an old, boring, married man, I'd often go to bars by myself. That said, on an island this size, you tend to know almost everyone and vice versa, so I dunno if any kind of going out here counts as going out alone.
Like C said, though, when travelling I've always gone to bars alone. I also always seem to get to chatting with people, even though I don't really mean to. I guess I'm just friendly looking?
In like 11 months I can start going to bars. But I'd probably only go alone like once in a blueberry.
I go to bars alone all the time and just start talking to people. Over here it's a great way to meet people
Maybe there, but not in NJ lol my parents met in a bar and got married at a bar by the drunk mayor of the town. HAH talk about a love story. she left him so that's a good example right?
I haven't been to a bar in over 2 years
is it bad that my wife goes on a more regular basis than me?
Only because she comes over here and tosses my salad.
well no wonder she was late last night.... you have to start hurrying her up a bit....i know she is slow....
Check and check.
good. now tell her to pick up more beer on the way home.
oh, and pork rinds. I working on my next 50 pounds
So why'd you get banned anyway? Something about molesting children behind the blinds in an empty house? LOL
honestly, I have no idea, but according to the thread I read over there today, it was because of the pic I posted of the fat ass with the gross balls
which was far from the grossest thing ever posted there
I see skip is on power trip version 3.0
wait wat?
if you think I'm not saying, I seriously have no fucking clue. that is the first thing I've heard about any of it. of course I was following RT the whole time, posting even, but never was I told why I was banned. And then I read.... http://anonymouse.org/cgi-bin/anon-www_de.cgi/http://www.hipforums.com/newforums/showpost.php?s=0e41d5e3d601eda3780cce30cf93bc18&p=5438149&postcount=11 (http://anonymouse.org/cgi-bin/anon-www_de.cgi/http://www.hipforums.com/newforums/showpost.php?s=0e41d5e3d601eda3780cce30cf93bc18&p=5438149&postcount=11)
and that was all I needed to know
Not at all. That was my way of saying I don't give a shit what happens there anymore. I had lots of respect for Skip and Stinkfoot and Fitzy while they let Ari and Balbus censor whomever they wanted however they wanted. We took up for you and then TomChronic went after me again and before I knew what had happened RT was gone. Freedom of speech my ass.
Fuck em.
thats my view too. Fuck em. this isn't the first time skipshit pulled this shit. It is, however, the last time I play along with his games. I take it you got banned too? or at the least, he pissed you the fuck off?
he is so fucking good at that.
not unilke my wife
you know, that reminds me of a joke I heard way back when I was about 12. while I can't remember the entire thing, it comes down to the hottest bitches always end up being total cunts to deal with, because there isn't anything else wrong with em
what that had to do with this, I'm not sure. next time she buys liqour, I have to ask her to buy something other than peach vodka/rum/somethingthattasteslikepeachesthatisgrosserthanpigshit
No. The last time I pissed him off he made me a moderator. He likes me, he won't drop the hammer on me. Even though I'm American and he loathes everything American.
OK stop talking about this, we're gonna piss people off having personal convo in thread. PM me if you want to talk.
ok. but I haven't been to a bar in years..... what has changed? do people still play pool?
Dunno. Me either.
bars scare me. around here, they are filled with drunk rednecks. I just don't fit in well with that crowd.
all the good bars they shut down for drug dealing morons being obvious.
what retards. a certain few have to ruin it for everyone.
its my turn.
No one forced you to stay in Pennsyl-Tuckey...
money did. We have tried a total of 5 times now to get the hell out of this fuckstate. But to no avail Every single time, something comes up and we end up having to cancel all plans.
Sorta frustrating.
Do what I'm doing. Burn everything. Figuratively, of course. House going to foreclosure and filing chapter 7. Fuck it, it's all gone.
The great part about drinking alone far from home is that no one knows where to direct those who seek to investigate your (alleged) actions.
Going to bars alone is worse than going to the movies alone. I do go to bars alone, but not to hang out. I have a mission when I go to bars alone and that mission is usually declared a success within 10 minutes (I order them all at the same time). Then I go home.
Obviously it's different if I know the bartender or any of the patrons, but if not then I bounce.
I do go to bars by myself. It's really sad. I used to do it more when I was a hardcore alcoholic, drinking 6+ drinks a day everyday for a few years. The saddest time I did it was when I went to barfly with two bucks in change, drunk, and begged the bartender to cut the price of a pbr in half so I could give him a fifty cent tip.
I've only done it a few times, back when I went out in public.
Before you became John Merrick?
I used to do it more when I was a hardcore alcoholic, drinking 6+ drinks a day everyday for a few years.
Ah ha ha, hahahahaha!
Are you reading this?
Can I get a witness?
About the only time I can remember going to a bar here in the US I ended up making out with a completely random chicka and eventually getting thrown out on my ass for giving the bartender shit for refusing to serve a black guy. I had my lucky silver dollar in my shirt pocket when I went in but I lost it when the bouncer knocked me on my ass. I really don't care for bars but I have been wondering why I don't go out looking for women anymore and feeling that I should give it at least one more try before I croak. So I might give it another shot, but I really don't think there are any Tricky's left in this town anyway.
No, I don't.
In this university town, it would be a good way to get raped.
I'll just drink at home.
Aren't you from Canada? That's like the safest place I've ever heard of. What are you from Etobicoke?
Check her facebook, maybe that'll tell you where she is.
No, I don't.
In this university town, it would be a good way to get raped.
I'll just drink at home.
that's why i like to go out. beer goggles are my best friend.
I'm with C, there's something about the attitude towards drinking in the states that makes it more uncomfortable to go out for a drink alone.
In London I practically lived at the Three Tuns and the George IV by my lonesome, but the pub is a very different kind of place from the bar.
it really depends on where you are and what sorta bar you go to. fort collins has the meat market bars, the frat bars...then you have the more comfortable mellow places. you just have to find the right ones.
but the pub is a very different kind of place from the bar.
Amen to that.