Loaded-Gun.Com - Anti-Social.Com's Rejects!
General Category => Rhubarb => Topic started by: mosh on April 22, 2009, 08:59:46 PM
Should we get some made up?
Count me in. But they gotta be black. I pretty much only wear black.
oh, nice. my site has car magnets, tshirts and business cards. but you can't have any.
Count me in. But they gotta be black. I pretty much only wear black.
And come in very large fatty sizes too. Don't forget about Eitje, Fuse, and I. :D
I have already given my opinion on this.
Bright pink for Si... black for the rest of you...
Oh yeah, what about designs?
Is there anything that truly captures this board? I think this does:
There's always this:
yeah, I thought of that one as well...
Maybe this one:
with the slogan:
Don't laugh, it's bigger than your clit.
Oh oh. If I ever get the motivation to do anything, I could design something. I could use that krsna picture, or do something with guns on it.
tricky, design us a fucking shirt ASAP or I'll send Krsna over there to beat you upside the head with his engorged cock
Better yet, tricky - design us a couple (1-10) shirts and then make a poll about it and let us vote for our top 3.
I'm going to cast my vote now.
I vote for the one with Tits on it.
A guy wants to wear a tee shirt with boobs on the front of it?
You mean like this?
And fine I'll design some shirts... give me a few years.
No seriously, someone give me some concrete ideas here.
Well there has to be a Tits or GTFO opition. I can;t see much beyond quotes, slogans and logos right now. Theres always the usual "style" t-shirts, retro stripes and shit. ~shrug.
It fucken hard to design a t-shirt.
EDIT: Loaded ones.
EDIT: Loaded ones.
Wow. That is brilliant.
Tits and Guns or GTFO
Or maybe...
Loaded Gun
haha, i actually like the cork gun.
Well it's the only one that you can tell is actually loaded.
Problem is; you can't wear true nudity here on tshirts in most of the US ...
That kinda defeats the purpose ....
You people are completely worthless, a bunch of posts and still no concrete ideas here.
Uh... What do you think we're paying you to do? Just sit there looking like a hot zombie?
No one is PAYING me anything, apparently. If someone actually paid me you'd already have some options.
P.S. is the krsna wearing a wig pic available in a higher resolution?
Logo on the front
Cross section of a gun ( glock would be easy ) bullets labled with things, on back.
Only way I can think of that shows the site (sprit) and a loaded gun, without being cheesy.
With things writen on the bullets, you get res issues. t-tshirts sucks ass, i hate them.
edit. maybe with lines point to the parts of the gun, the trigger becomes post, blahblahblah.
~shrug. i try'd.
On the back'd be bullets with the forum names or coolest of cool quotes on 'em ...
I was thinking maybe the cheese with the words Brotherhood of the Cheese around it in a ring on the front, and the logo on the back. Then we can all be cheese brothers.
A scratch and sniff t-shirt !
loaded-gun.com spelled out in bullets
heading towards a fail pic of bagman.
and the fail pic im thinking about is that twn year old pic of him, when he looked dorky with the big rimmed glasses.... i think im seeing the right pic in my head.
Ok, there's 3 clear ideas ....
Keep going ...
yeah one with bagman on it would be cool. maybe the one where he's showing his punk rock tom cat tattoo. hahahahahahaha
Let's photograph bagman at a shooting range firing high-powered pistols while wearing a yarmulke... or better yet dressed as a full-on rabbi. Then we put that image on a black shirt and we'd all look cool.
Where can I apply to get one built for me?
It's a pity the one on the left isn't just 6-inches to her left... Looks slightly like "Loaded I Gun."
Where can I apply to get one built for me?
http://www.realdoll.com/ (http://www.realdoll.com/)
we could get, like, team shirts made.
where the front just has an "LG" emblem in the pocket area ("LG" emblem TBD), and the back has our forum name across the top.
and, instead of numbers, it says ... ?
# of fag points.
But the thing is it should say loaded-gun.com for advertising purposes.
# of fag points.
But the thing is it should say loaded-gun.com for advertising purposes.
I don't wear advertising.
But if someone came up and asked what my shirt was about, I'd tell them!
Loaded-gum? I'd buy that.
I prefer my gum to be chewy and loaded.
Gunmetal Dark Gray Shirt, White Font, White Image.
A gun, negative imaged (so the black would be white) -- something like this
Or a bunch of guns overlapping one another like a pistol, and an AK, and a shotgun, whatever else, who cares.
Below it:
[L-G] or some logo type deal.
On the back (between shoulder-blades):
[ loaded-gun.com ]
That's my idea, pretty simple.
You can't have random tits and stupid shit on there, make it simple, stylish, and to the point, and it has to have the website address on the back I would think or else what's the point?
Actually, I had a similar idea with basic drawings/ outlines/ negatives of various guns just like you suggested.
So what I'm saying is, good idea.
Actually, I had a similar idea with basic drawings/ outlines/ negatives of various guns just like you suggested.
So what I'm saying is, good idea.
Sounds like we are in business.
While the shirts are in the press we should have enough time to 69.
Actually, I had a similar idea with basic drawings/ outlines/ negatives of various guns just like you suggested.
So what I'm saying is, good idea.
Sounds like we are in business.
While the shirts are in the press we should have enough time to 69.
You're my favorite poster today
That would make a fabulous t-shirt tho?
oh yes...
The best part is the sun. He's all like: "Yeah kids! What d'ye think about that then? Huh? .... .... Hell yeah."
I would rather have a gay cork gun shirt than a naked chick with a gun shirt. I would never fucking wear that, even if there was a real gun to my head I would say, "let me choke on it." and then the gun would go BANG. Because I have fucking taste you fat slagish losers from never-get-laid-sville
whatever you drugged up idiot
I would rather have a gay cork gun shirt than a naked chick with a gun shirt. I would never fucking wear that, even if there was a real gun to my head I would say, "let me choke on it." and then the gun would go BANG. Because I have fucking taste you fat slagish losers from never-get-laid-sville
I would rather have a gay cork gun shirt than a naked chick with a gun shirt. I would never fucking wear that, even if there was a real gun to my head I would say, "let me choke on it." and then the gun would go BANG. Because I have fucking taste you fat slagish losers from never-get-laid-sville
i am going to have to agree with sasha on this one.
I would rather have a gay cork gun shirt than a naked chick with a gun shirt. I would never fucking wear that, even if there was a real gun to my head I would say, "let me choke on it." and then the gun would go BANG. Because I have fucking taste you fat slagish losers from never-get-laid-sville
i am going to have to agree with sasha on this one.
And I would have to agree with the both of them. I wouldn't wear naked people on my clothes.
That's 3 people who say the popgun is gay. Can someone explain how? Popguns are guns for children. For many children it's the first time they're introduced to the concept of death or at least forceful death. That's pretty badass in my book.
Anyway I hear a lot of whining and very little suggestion of alternatives.
How about one of these:
Suggestion 1 (http://eyeofthestorm.blogs.com/photos/uncategorized/jesus_gun.jpg)
Suggestion 2 (http://farm1.static.flickr.com/46/138291484_96993e395c.jpg)
Suggestion 3 (http://www.wehaitians.com/saddam_gun.jpg)
Suggestion 4 (http://i253.photobucket.com/albums/hh60/meeneee/Private%20Meeneee/guns.jpg?t=1241208821)
Suggestion 5 (http://www.hum.aau.dk/~i12bent/PattyHearstThomsonGunColor.jpg)
Suggestion 6 (http://www.gotavapen.se/gota/artiklar/kpist/churchill.gif)
Suggestion 7 (http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/6/65/Pyrotronicdisintegrator.gif)
Suggestion 8 (http://www.dvorak.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2009/01/obamahandgun.jpg)
I'm not saying any of these is great, but this is just a 5 minute google search. I tried to focus on black and white as I figure these are most likely to be common domain photos, and potentially the easiest to make into negatives for use on a black tshirt. Why don't you guys see what you can come up with instead of whining about other peoples' ideas?
I like the pop gun. ~shrug
I actually really like the cork gun, so I guess I don't 100% agree with sasha. I would just never wear a shirt with a naked lady holding a gun.
But, tbh, I would never wear a loaded-gun shirt at all so my vote doesn't count.
Yeah, fuck promoting this site!
I'm more in favour of finding a picture that represents a board in joke rather than a literal interpretation of domain name.
Like a bundle of sticks or a piece of cheese with the domain name. Something outsiders wont get, but might be intrigued by.
Haha, a bundle of sticks would be good. With the caption: loaded-gun.com is full of these
OK that sounds good. What other board memes are there?
Rape barn (http://nicknoblephotography.com/images/20090303134517_bbarn5_5.jpg)?
Burn ointment (http://www.craneherb.com/web/media/data/images/dynamic/Product/8861.detail1.Burn%20Ointment.jpg)?
Pot and Kettle (http://images.encyclopediadramatica.com/images/thumb/b/b7/Pot_Kettle_Black.jpg/180px-Pot_Kettle_Black.jpg)?
Fred (http://www.luxelegwear.com/images/fred.jpg)?
Need more ideas...
Yeah, fuck promoting this site!
Look, dude, if my mom starts posting here I am fucking OUT. Hell, if she even starts reading here I am deleting all my shit and moving out of her damn house.
okay, im lossing it. I thought this thread was closed untill i noticed i wasent looged in.
moving on.
A photoshoped can of drink with empscum writen on it.
Loaded-gun.com in this font:
With the caption: Where everybody is Fred
okay, im lossing it. I thought this thread was closed untill i noticed i wasent looged in.
moving on.
A photoshoped can of drink with empscum writen on it.
Would no wear something with CUM written on it, thanks.
haha, okay, i might consider a shirt with this image and loaded-gun.com written in the cheers font.
Loaded-gun.com in this font:
With the caption: Where everybody is Fred
You all are so far behind the curve. I created one nearly 7 years ago. (For myself mind you - nobody else was interested.) Now it's authentic nolstalgia/retro/Buffalo Exchange material and whatever these "new" shirts will be, won't be nearly as cool.
http://loaded-gun.com/index.php?topic=66.msg895#msg895 (http://loaded-gun.com/index.php?topic=66.msg895#msg895)
heading towards a fail pic of bagman.
and the fail pic im thinking about is that twn year old pic of him, when he looked dorky with the big rimmed glasses.... i think im seeing the right pic in my head.
My first thread ever on anti-social, was "Maybe I shouldn't post this but what the fuck" and I posted that super lame photo. That thread turned out to be fucking huge, and I knew right away I'd have an impact on you turdburglers.
yeah one with bagman on it would be cool. maybe the one where he's showing his punk rock tom cat tattoo. hahahahahahaha
Tricked-out: think up some original, creative ideas on your own and then share them with us. (Serious ideas - I doubt anybody wants my tattoo on their shirt). The fun part of the process if getting some extra wrinkles on that mush in your cranium, with creative thinking. Things to think about: terrorism/Columbine/Virginia Tech. Don't make it overly violent. Also: no tits, no balls, no penis, no vagina, no "fuck"s or "shit"s or "cumdumpster"s or "danzig's a big fag" (words/phrases), or any photos of venereal diseases, amputees, retards in wheelchairs, drugs, or gratuitous and leaky anal sex. Also, no fucking turtles.
I am pretty sure an upskirt shot of you on the front could work well though.
why terrorism/ Columbine/ VA Tech?
My first thread ever on anti-social, was "Maybe I shouldn't post this but what the fuck" and I posted that super lame photo. That thread turned out to be fucking huge, and I knew right away I'd have an impact on you turdburglers.
why terrorism/ Columbine/ VA Tech?
Err, I guess I didn't word that well. What I mean is keep in mind all the things that have happened (terrorism/ Columbine/ VA Tech) when creating your design, and with those in mind don't make it too violent. This has to be a shirt we can wear around in public right? So I don't want to get the attention of cops or the FBI with a shirt full of photos of guns, etc/other violence. No matter what, the phrase "loaded-gun" will receive unwanted attention.
Of course, living in Texas does have it's benefits.
Who said anything about wearing it ? I was just looking to buy an overpriced jizz rag.
I still want a shirt that has that stock photo of Saddam with the shotgun on it. Fuck what people think. It's not that "in tune" with L-G necessarily, but I want it anyway. I have a huge love for stock photos that sum up something in one shot.
Kyle's shirt that he made isn't bad. If it were white text on black shirt I'd be more inclined to wear it I think. Probably more expensive that way, though... Or is it? And how much do custom screened shirts run a person? How much did that one set you back, bagman?
You used to be able to upload graphics to t-shirt sites and get them sent to you for about $25 including shipping. Thats how I thought the L-G shirts were going to be sold ?
I still want a shirt that has that stock photo of Saddam with the shotgun on it. ... I have a huge love for stock photos that sum up something in one shot.
Yes, if I recall it was about $25. It looks like it's quite a bit cheaper now. ($14.99 for a t-shirt) I got it from http://www.cafepress.com (http://www.cafepress.com).
AWESOME they have baseball jersey shirts now!
Cafepress was the site I was thinking of.
Now if that place still ops in the same way, we don't need to choose a design, everybody can have exactly what they want cause they design it themself. As long as every design is vetted for stupidity and uploaded to the one account so the monies go to the right people and theres no stolen images used in the design.....
Kyle do you have a copy of the a-s banner add with the " we know what your parents do" type slogan on it ? I'm sure you remember the one im typing about. I'd love to put that on the front of a t-shirt about 3/4 to 1/2 its orignal size, and have the url on the back... I use alot of public transport. the people who stand infront of me are facing the wrong way to read the url. people read the back of t-shirts more than the front anyways.
Joe, actually that's not ringing any bells upstairs. I'll look through some of my archives and see if I can find something similar to what you mention. Was it on the main page or on the actual boards page?
Weirdly, hojo's memory of this logo rings bells for me. Hard to say why since I think this is the first time we've been on the same board, but anyway...
For the record, here's all the l-g logos your average monkey knows about:
It was a Ruhbarb banner add. duh. sorry. naked old people on it. hmm, that was the name of the t-shirt place right ?
Yep. Unfortunately, I don't think I have any of those banners saved.
*skims to end of thread*
Do we have a consensus on the shirt design yet? Last I checked it was pretty much set and then Sasha moaned about it
I don't want a lady on my shirt, either.
something understated, is what i'd prefer.
"Now if that place still ops in the same way, we don't need to choose a design, everybody can have exactly what they want cause they design it themself. As long as every design is vetted for stupidity and uploaded to the one account so the monies go to the right people and theres no stolen images used in the design....."
thats my .05 of a cent.
*skims to end of thread*
Do we have a consensus on the shirt design yet? Last I checked it was pretty much set and then Sasha moaned about it
I bet she moans about a lot.
My friend works at a screen printing shop so if we get an idea together I could probably get the shirt for less than 3 dollars a piece, and they would be nice american apparel shirts.
I like the plastic soldiers...
me too!
in case they're not in the creative commons, we could take our own pictures.
does that matter if 10 of us will be wearing them?
Legally, yeah.
But then, when were we ever about doing shit legally?!?!
Again, as long as I don't have to pay copyrights, I'm cool ...
You and your copyrights...
Fuck it. I'm just gonna get one printed in Helvetica that says simply Loaded-Gun.com
No pictures, white on dark blue.
Or dark blue on white.
if you did white on dark blue, you could also get a tiny white splotch/trail put on the backside. :)
hahaha i like that idea
You and your copyrights...
Fuck it. I'm just gonna get one printed in Helvetica that says simply Loaded-Gun.com
No pictures, white on dark blue.
Size L please
XL here. White on dark blue. Do it. Do it.
Size Small for me and an X-Small for Kyle.
How the hell is Si an XL. ARE YOU DRESSING BLACK?
Well guys. Today my boss & one of my coworkers are out of the office and that means I have some free time to fuck around in Illustrator. Woohoo.
how cool are these?? i know that we can't use these on the shirts but they are really awesome.
Please note: if anyone likes any of these, but wants something altered, i can alter whatever you want.
Ok here's one that I just did, hopefully more to come...
http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2416/3527933747_8a6f520ddd_o.jpg (http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2416/3527933747_8a6f520ddd_o.jpg)
it says "more awesome than high-fiving army men" in case you can't read that part.
Here's one especially for bagman (since he owns this shit). I'm thinking the Tomcat tattoo's should be made out of glittery puff paint. What do you think?
http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3320/3527977757_f2aa75d4ce_o.jpg (http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3320/3527977757_f2aa75d4ce_o.jpg)
Says "Home of the lovestick"
another one (it's supposed to look like the bottom of a bullet... but it doesn't really look like one)
http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3615/3528016053_dfdc40842c_o.jpg (http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3615/3528016053_dfdc40842c_o.jpg)
http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2242/3528381555_0fefbe8f8e_o.jpg (http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2242/3528381555_0fefbe8f8e_o.jpg)
If these are all completely shitty, let me know more ideas and I'll draw stuff.
Still want to do one with bullets from the side view and one with outlines of various guns. Maybe a splattery one like eitje suggested. hahaha
How the hell is Si an XL. ARE YOU DRESSING BLACK?
Here's what L looks like on me:
And this is what XL looks like on me:
XL's a little more relaxed.
Oh and I like the high-fiving army dudes and the green bullet shirts.
http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3612/3529249922_c06e4d6c57_o.jpg (http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3612/3529249922_c06e4d6c57_o.jpg)
http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3555/3528894117_d4bc8a9c5c_b.jpg (http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3555/3528894117_d4bc8a9c5c_b.jpg)
I can change colors on any of these drawings.
I quite like that one, other than the colour of course. But you could do it on a black shirt using shades of grey for the guns. But I almost feel like the design would be cooler turned 90 degrees counter-clockwise.
agree with rotated/tall pink in other colors (dark blue, with shades of lighter blue/gray guns?)
dig the revolver with the URL on each bullet.
can we make it "more gay than high-fiving army men"? ;D
Don't most revolvers have six chambers, though, not seven?
/me is quite ignorant about this stuff. Chambers may not even be the right word.
maybe that'll catch the eye of gun people.
"hey, wtf... protect the maple syrup!!"
http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2242/3528381555_0fefbe8f8e_o.jpg (http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2242/3528381555_0fefbe8f8e_o.jpg)
another one (it's supposed to look like the bottom of a bullet... but it doesn't really look like one)
http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3615/3528016053_dfdc40842c_o.jpg (http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3615/3528016053_dfdc40842c_o.jpg)
Can I get a full set, L please
NOt sure about how many chambers a revolver has. I'm not gun expert. I can change it to 6 though. Yeah eitje I can change that.
Well, maybe we should vote on these, or think of more ideas... then get something made?
Can I get a full set, L please
NOt sure about how many chambers a revolver has. I'm not gun expert. I can change it to 6 though.
I like 7. :(
http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2066/3531084847_0ee509cf85_b.jpg (http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2066/3531084847_0ee509cf85_b.jpg)
I can totally see this thread being all talk and no walk about T-Shirts.
Size L please, I think, I'm 6'2" but pretty lean - pick your design, I'll pay you by paypal or something
Size L please, I think, I'm 6'2" but pretty lean
That's the point I was making with a previous post - L works fine for taller people who're lean, but for those of us who're wider, L leaves us without much in the way of sleeves and length of shirt.
I'll email the idea of the guns to my friend tomorrow and get him to screen a test print, because that is my favorite one so far.
don't you need a higher-res illustration?
I'll get him to make a test print of the guns and the army guys. If you want to put a higher res you can, but I will be giving your designs to the graphic artist of his company who will make sure it's good enough.
Yay Sasha! Thanks for doing that!
If I were going to wear a loaded gun themed shirt, it would have this on it:
And then it would say loaded-gun.com in normal-sized (i.e. not some fist-sized font size) lettering on the reverse side.
Yes well three people here I'm aware of have ruined the chances of that being viable.
Yes well three people here I'm aware of have ruined the chances of that being viable.
Are they blonde, brunette, and redhead?
Are they bigger than a breadbox?
(Do people still have breadboxes? We had one when I was growing up, but I don't think I've seen one in years.)
Is it bigger than a baby's arm...
(Do people still have breadboxes? We had one when I was growing up, but I don't think I've seen one in years.)
I literally have a box where I keep bread. It's cardboard.
a black man's cock.
(Do people still have breadboxes? We had one when I was growing up, but I don't think I've seen one in years.)
I literally have a box where I keep bread. It's cardboard.
(Do people still have breadboxes? We had one when I was growing up, but I don't think I've seen one in years.)
I literally have a box where I keep bread. It's cardboard.
It does a great job of keeping all of the necessary semi-perishable sandwich-making things all in one place!
I keep mine in the freezer. I eat bread too slowly to have it sitting out. It goes moldy just like that. It's a pity, though. I love bread - as in raw crusty good bread. My favorite is probably sourdough.
I keep mine in the freezer. I eat bread too slowly to have it sitting out. It goes moldy just like that. It's a pity, though. I love bread - as in raw crusty good bread. My favorite is probably sourdough.
You need to try out a breadbox, rather than the freezer. I eat about a loaf of bread every 3-4 weeks due to sandwiches & toast, and my cardboard breadbox does great for keeping away the nasties!
I keep mine in the freezer. I eat bread too slowly to have it sitting out. It goes moldy just like that. It's a pity, though. I love bread - as in raw crusty good bread. My favorite is probably sourdough.
You need to try out a breadbox, rather than the freezer. I eat about a loaf of bread every 3-4 weeks due to sandwiches & toast, and my cardboard breadbox does great for keeping away the nasties!
Bread here has to be refrigerated. And sourdough is fucking amazing.
Finally, someone not making this thread suck ass ...
agree with rotated/tall pink in other colors (dark blue, with shades of lighter blue/gray guns?)
dig the revolver with the URL on each bullet.
can we make it "more gay than high-fiving army men"? ;D
OMG!!! i thought that, too!!! (They DO look sort of ghey, don't they?)
But i DO like that design...
Maybe if we go with "More MACHO Than High-Fiving Army Men"?
{Okay, i'm getting carried away, but ... "More Macho than High-Fiving Army WOMEN"? i don't believe anyone would think we were "terrorists" with THAT emblazoned on our shirts!)
That and the revolver chambers.
A side note on that: 7 round revolvers are prevalent in Russia, NOT the U.S.
A revolver in the U.S. shoots 6 rounds. In fact, they're also known as 6-shooters.
hey, have you met satori?
Lucas, are you able to take over this T-Shirt making venture?
I think we're just pending me giving money to sasha so she can pay her friend to make the shirts. is that incorrect?
sounds about right. Then when Ian comes over, get some cash off him. I'll pay everyone back in Japanese beer and sasha and brook will flash us all
Yeah Luke, please do. You're a can do kinda guy.
Yeah Luke, please do. You're a can do kinda guy. have a will and a wallet
No. OK maybe.
*ghey again*
We need a new design with a gun pointing at a person's face, and a pulp comic font "Not in the face!" splashed across.
we might as well lock this thread
I'd just open a thread called 'socks and undies'.
sounds about right. Then when Ian comes over, get some cash off him. I'll pay everyone back in Japanese beer and sasha and brook will flash us all
i flashed you and all i got was this lousy tee shirt. oh wait, i didn't get a tee shirt.
The more things change the more they stay the same...
/me nods *
Fuck the T-Shirts... Dave Thrash Bobblehead dolls !!!!!
...with velcro for hair. and a tiny microphone.
...with velcro for hair. and a tiny ....
That is as equally funny as it is viable ...
And as a whole, a nice money-maker. I know guys who sculpt bobbleheads. We could make a set of AS/LG bobbleheads and sell them! Collect all 12!
sasha doesn't want a bobblehead if luke has a bobblehead
I'm going to make a bobblefoot of CommieTwat.
I'm just curious what her feet'd look like on it ...
There will be a limited edition l-g Bobblehead called 'The Kyle'.
I'm just curious what her feet'd look like on it ...
"The Kyle" will be holding his clone-cock and a camera?
"The Kyle" is actually just a replica of a penis with a bobbling head.
Liking it, liking it ....
Hmmmm ....
We should hake a "bobble head" thread and discuss what all of our bobble heads would look like ...
Trick got it.
but she left out the best feature. You can fill it up with stuff and when the head goes back and forth it... you know.
You mean, kinda like a bobblehead?
I didnt know Bobbleheads dribbled.
Liking it, liking it ....
Hmmmm ....
We should hake a "bobble head" thread and discuss what all of our bobble heads would look like ...
I'm reading the web archive that banal posted in another thread, and you didn't used to do all of this "..." bullshit.
Why can't you go back to being more like you were in 2002?
Because he's getting laid on a regular basis and it takes some of the evil out of him.
This is also true ...
Sorry, I'm not changing ...
Especially because YOU requested it ...
... heh
I'm down with ellipses...
I find them pretty annoying when not used in context.
I'm down with fullstops,
I'm chunky monkey down with the sickness ...
i give up all use of punctuation why even bother
my bobblehead doll looks like this
seriously my boss gave that to me she thinks im goth
Get naked; NOW!
I don't think my coworkers would appreciate that... ? And you wouldn't either, since you can't see me through the computer screen.
you would have seen her bra and panties like everyone else had you come to Japan like everyone else
Rub it in, MR. Watch-Me-Do-a-MENU-Dance for you!
btw, i'll have CORN DOG,
with a side of danglers.
I don't think my coworkers would appreciate that... ? And you wouldn't either, since you can't see me through the computer screen.
i give up all use of punctuation why even bother
my bobblehead doll looks like this
seriously my boss gave that to me she thinks im goth
i kind of sort of think i might be a closet goth. It's depressing.
Well, you've come out of the closet ...
Now try the front door ...