Loaded-Gun.Com - Anti-Social.Com's Rejects!
General Category => Rhubarb => Topic started by: Drugmoth on May 10, 2009, 03:46:36 AM
I JUST thought about this: Why is this place named loaded-gun?
Would have been a good question 10 years ago.
It didn't exist 10 years ago.....did it? 10 years ago: Why is this place called Anti-Social.com?
Ask Joe or Carolyn. They'd know.
It's a bit like enough rope ?
Danzig is no Denton.
joe likes guns
Danzig is no Denton.
hahaha. Thing is, who do you think is the best Denton here ?
C also likes guns.
WTF is a Denton?
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andrew_Denton (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andrew_Denton)
You Aussies and your shit that I don't get.
He's alot better than the wiki reads. That's about all i can type on it.
Ask Joe or Carolyn. They'd know.
joe likes guns
C also likes guns.
I think that about sums it up. Also it sounds vaguely badass and we're all a bunch of serious badasses. Aren't we?
Don't you read Cosmo?
I think that about sums it up. Also it sounds vaguely badass and we're all a bunch of serious badasses. Aren't we?
I'm a total emo pussy.
Danzig is no Denton.
hahaha. Thing is, who do you think is the best Denton here ?
Enough Rope: Gordon Ramsay Part 1, S7 2008 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6njlFYcvk44#ws-lq-lq2-hq)
What's up with the boring videos?
That's apparently Andrew Denton, interviewing Gordon Ramsey.
And the Aussies seem to think that Andrew Denton is the reason why LG is called what it is.
Fuckin Aussies.
i love cooking, talking about it, discussing food and recipes...
and that was the most boring interview ever. not hooked on this denton guy or his ability to really get to the nitty-gritty with someone. can't believe i watched almost the whole thing. F-
And now I feel bad for hip, cuz I feel her pain.
Danzig is no Denton.
hahaha. Thing is, who do you think is the best Denton here ?
No. I wasnt serious.
Oh, and dont take my mentioning Denton's name for me actually liking him. He shits me to tears. Self important, unfunny, pseudo-intellectual fuckwit is what I think of him. Unfunny, because he started his media career as a comedian.
Self important, unfunny, pseudo-intellectual fuckwit is what I think of him.
So, what you're saying is, I DO remind you of him.
I've never thought of you as a fuckwit...
or Self important, unfunny, pseudo-intellectual
you're all funny, smart and vital to the ongoing success of _________
Bon jovi. He's the reason.
I remember there was an opening thread on the original LG explaining the name; fuck if I remember what it was ...
Fiddler on the roof - Tradition ( with subtitles ) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gRdfX7ut8gw#lq-lq2-hq)
i made the name up (joe may disagree!) - cos we both like guns, and i thought the symbolism of a loaded gun was cool (something about to go off). i first tried loadedgun.com though, and was disappointed i could only get loaded-gun.com but then i realized that was pretty cool cos it'd have a - like anti-social.com
I told her about this thread on Wednesday. haha
I get answers, I just have to wait 2 1/2 weeks for them.
i made the name up (joe may disagree!) - cos we both like guns, and i thought the symbolism of a loaded gun was cool (something about to go off). i first tried loadedgun.com though, and was disappointed i could only get loaded-gun.com but then i realized that was pretty cool cos it'd have a - like anti-social.com
That sounds vaguely familiar, however, since it's from "the horse's mouth", so to speak, I'll accept that as the truth ...
Ok, folks, that's the OFFICIAL story ...
OK this thread can now be locked ;)
Ya hear that? Dave will ACCEPT it as the truth. Thanks so much, Dave, glad we could be of service to you. (this is bagman's website afterall... right?)
Oh, yeah ...
Sorry, I'll step off of the soapbox ...
*fucking off now*
I guess since I asked the question, I give permission to lock the thread. Have we ever locked a thread?
I would imagine only to stop people posting on the old version of an epic that was rebooted. (?)
Or if there is absolutely nothing left to say about a subject and a new one hasn't started, like right now.
Only if you ignore the "locked threads" typing.
Ya hear that? Dave will ACCEPT it as the truth. Thanks so much, Dave, glad we could be of service to you. (this is bagman's website afterall... right?)
I guess since I asked the question, I give permission to lock the thread. Have we ever locked a thread?
You permission isnt required.
Anyways, this thread still has on wheel on the rail...
Required, no, but you'd be a complete dick if there was something else I wanted to talk about in the thread I started and you locked it.
I've never really seen the point of locking threads.
Agreed ...
You know, after I posted this:
Ya hear that? Dave will ACCEPT it as the truth. Thanks so much, Dave, glad we could be of service to you. (this is bagman's website afterall... right?)
... I read that her parents are in town
You can cockblock while tricky is twatswatting.
Good point ...
I can't really get laid anyways. I've been having some health issues that I don't care to discuss with anyone here except C. blah.
Even though you won't discuss it, I know it's this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vagina_dentata (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vagina_dentata)
I had that once, but I got better.
Cuntbites ...
Is that a new children's snack food?
It's finger lickin' good, man ....
At first, i thought it was like an NRA site/forum,
but once i got here, it seemed more like the "Loaded-Gun ~ About To Go Off" def.
Wonder if that might not be why you're getting so many sign-ups that don't come back to post?
If they think it's like survivalist/gun toting folks, :o
these forums must be quite the shock to their systems! ;D
I would imagine that quite a few people here have guns. Probably most just don't wanna talk about 'em that much.
Yeah, guns are fun to shoot. Fun to maintain. Fun to build. Not much fun as a discussion topic.
'cept when it invloves masturbation with aforementioned gun.
I've rubbed one out with gun oil while looking blissfully at my Rossi. Does it make me a pedo that it's a youth gun?
'cept when it invloves masturbation with aforementioned gun.
It is just me...?
I've rubbed one out with gun oil while looking blissfully at my Rossi. Does it make me a pedo that it's a youth gun?
Let's just say I wouldn't leave you alone with a Red Ryder.
No way! You'll shoot your eye out, kid!
[cue danzig reference]
No way! You'll shoot your eye out, kid!
I know the name of the kid offhand; without cheating, I'll gve a dollar via PayPal to the one who names him ...
BE HONEST, don't look it up ...
THEN I'll give ANOTHER dollar to the one who tells me how he first got famous ....
Again, BE HONEST ....
We're all friends here ...
I looked it up. I never would have guessed his name.
Me either. I've never seen that movie anyway.
No shit? You should definitely watch it.
I dunno, man. It'll never live up to all the hype. It's kinda how I feel about the Godfather.
I dunno, man. It'll never live up to all the hype. It's kinda how I feel about the Godfather.
Fuck, man, i could've fuckin' written that fuckin' script!
/me (as usual) only somewhat understands what /you has to say
in any case, /me would like to point out that Scarface was awesome
Every other word in the movie was "fuck" ~ it 50% wrote ITSELF.
Edited for succinct-a-licious-ness
No, it's just "Too Bad She Got Dropped On The Head As A Child" caliber.
Peter Billingsly - He was also "Messy Marvin"; it's how he got his initial start ...
No, it's just "Too Bad She Got Dropped On The Head As A Child" caliber.
Pump off, fuktard.
How about I let you pump me off? I'm game. Just try not to talk while you're doing it cuz your ranting would most likely completely kill my boner.
How about I let you pump me off? I'm game. Just try not to talk while you're doing it cuz your ranting would most likely completely kill my boner.
A BJ would save us that argument...
Oh ...