To catch those of you who aren't already familiar with me and my infamous neighbors, back in late September of '07, my neighbors and my boyfriend's family were in a feud with each other. The neighbors were angry because Daniel's parents had just finished moving into their new house 10 miles away and decided instead of selling their land to the greedy neighbors, they'd give it to us instead. They were also kind of pissed because the EPA was investigating them because Daniel's mom called and informed the EPA that they were dumping potential toxic waste in the lot they own next door to us (our neighbors live directly behind us, fyi). So some words were exchanged, mainly just the neighbor bitch running her mouth. Something along the lines of "I know all you do over there is smoke pot" came from her and Daniel's reply was, "Oh yeah? Catch us." Long story short, cops are at our door 3 hours later. Caught. Anyway, court dates were attended, fines were paid, that shit's done, but the neighbors are still huge dickholes.
Anyway, onto the reason for this thread. After all that doucheyness and whatnot, I decided to take my dog out for a walk. I had planned to take him aaaallll around the subdivision out here, a bit of a means of exploring for the both of us, as I'm not too familiar with this area still. Well, I was walking him just up the street and neighbor dick is out mowing his lawn...something he seems to do just about every other day. Well, he turns off his lawn mower when I get close and I think, "Great, what could this fuckwad have to say to me?" The last interaction we had with him, he was threatening to kick Daniel's ass. But he asked me which way I was going, which I thought was kind of odd, but I humored him and pointed the direction I was headed. He said, "Oh good, because my wife has the dogs out in the yard and I don't want them to go after you."

Why the sudden niceness? Weeeeiiiirrrrd. Maybe his wife's just a massive cunt and he was warning me of her before I felt her wrath. Weird, though, for a guy who'd rather see us jailed than in the house behind him.