Well u know what? Where my friends used to smoke weed was behind a store in the woods where the mexicans smoke weed, drink, do coke, snort dope, shoot H, and smoke meth.. there were 2 mexicans just a few feet away sitting on milk crates one was smoking meth and the other shootin H or coke idk.. [[yeah where i live is like little mexico. a lot of MS-13 dudes and landscapers here]] maybe i DIDNT FUCKIN THINK TO THINK THERE WAS CRACK IN IT AND JUST THOUGHT IT WAS THE MIXTURE OF METH WITH THE MEXICAN SMOKING IT NOT TOO FAR FROM ME, AND WEED. the person also said there wasnt a lot in there, and like i said i didnt think it had anything in it so i wasnt fuckin tasting for a difference.
and what the fuck are you like a lawyer or something analyzing everything I say from every angle? Do you object?--SUSTAINED!