i've had two encounters with shrinks:
The first one, in high school, when i told "my side," the doc IMMEDIATELY wanted to see my folks, but was done with me;
and the second while working for CapMetro, for popping positive on a drug test ~ at that time, you got 1 chance, and counseling was a mandatory part of that.
Again, i told "my side," ~ HepC treatment, HepC disease, Hemochromatosis, thyroid disease, quit toking 2 MONTHS ago to come back to work, don't know how it stayed in my system, the end-stage cirrhosis must have caused the liver to malfunction and not filter all that it should, blah, blah, blah.
i do take Zoloft for depression, and it does seem to help my entire attitude, but i've never been diagnosed as being crazy in any way
which is AMAZING, since we ALL know i AM crazy