
Quote from: (_)_)===D
... and then I would have been all like "Ha! In my face biotch!" to my self.

Re: WE DON'T WANT NEGROES TALKING TO OUR KIDS!!! Reply #90 on: September 08, 2009, 01:18:43 PM
It should though. If your going to write up about how over tech'n is wastefull, I would expect one or two lines about how about how experienced health care workers save more lives than fancy scans.

I shall drop out here.

I meant that his argument is irrelevant.

A few highlights about the discussions about technology in medicine:
We need to reduce doctors ordering unnecessary tests to cover their asses in case of future lawsuits.

Expensive technology ends up being used too broadly, where there is not evidence of it being cost effective or improving quality of life.

Expensive technology is used because a hospital has a particular piece of equipment rather than because there is evidence that is more effective than a cheaper treatment.

The way doctors are paid - by quantity rather than quality - encourages unnecessary procedures.

People perceive that high-tech is better and request the unnecessary, more expensive procedures (the article I linked mentions specifically mammograms vs. MRIs and ultrasounds).

Technology is a prestige issue for hospitals as much as a diagnostic tool - you don't want to be the kid on the block whose parents did not buy them an NES.

Re: WE DON'T WANT NEGROES TALKING TO OUR KIDS!!! Reply #91 on: September 08, 2009, 01:32:00 PM
This is why Canada does not allow pharmaceutical companies and medical technology companies to advertise. If all that shit were in the magazines and on TV like it is here the doctors would be inundated with requests for this pill or that scan. It would be even slower than it is now. Which is how it should be in the US. You don't tell the doctor which pill you want, he should tell you which pill you need.

Which brings us full circle as it did in the CORRECT THREAD FOR THIS DEBATE:

1. Tort reform.
2. Curtailment of control by pharmaceutical companies.
3. Insurance reform.

THEN Healthcare reform.

Of course we always do things ass backwards in the US, which is why we shot first and asked question later in Iraq.
No Nyarlathotep, no chaos...

Re: WE DON'T WANT NEGROES TALKING TO OUR KIDS!!! Reply #92 on: September 08, 2009, 02:50:05 PM
It all boils down to narratives. The right-wingers have a mental idea of the poor unemployed often minority family as parasites who would rather remain unemployed and indulge in drugs than to make an honest living. Meanwhile the left-wingers have a mental idea of the poor unemployed often minority family as folks who are down on their luck and there but for the grace of god go any of us. The truth is almost certainly somewhere in between. Some unemployed people are parasites on society and some are hard workers that have gotten unlucky. To me I'd rather see parasites enjoying my hard work than to see those that are trying to make a go of it suffering because I'm trying to prove a point.

I feel like this bears repeating.
ever tried. ever failed. no matter. try again. fail again. fail better.

Re: WE DON'T WANT NEGROES TALKING TO OUR KIDS!!! Reply #93 on: September 08, 2009, 08:07:44 PM
This is why Canada does not allow pharmaceutical companies and medical technology companies to advertise. If all that shit were in the magazines and on TV like it is here the doctors would be inundated with requests for this pill or that scan. It would be even slower than it is now. Which is how it should be in the US. You don't tell the doctor which pill you want, he should tell you which pill you need.

Which brings us full circle as it did in the CORRECT THREAD FOR THIS DEBATE:

1. Tort reform.
2. Curtailment of control by pharmaceutical companies.
3. Insurance reform.

THEN Healthcare reform.

Of course we always do things ass backwards in the US, which is why we shot first and asked question later in Iraq.

I didn't know about that... in Japan prescription medicine isn't advertised. The only stuff that is are vitamins and basic cold prevention stuff.

I like Balor's theory of Young people voluntarily missing health insurance. Yee-haw!
Loaded-Gun.com - I don't know what the hell they are talking about or why they are even there. They don't make serious points and they don't joke, but they still manage to make a lot of posts somehow.

Re: WE DON'T WANT NEGROES TALKING TO OUR KIDS!!! Reply #94 on: September 08, 2009, 08:49:13 PM
But back to the actual topic of this thread, I'd just like to say,

Quote from: Obama
Don't do drugs
Stay in school
Do something for the good of humankind

Oooooooooooooooooooo very scary Socialist indoctrination speech!!!!

Stupid fuckers.
No Nyarlathotep, no chaos...

Re: WE DON'T WANT NEGROES TALKING TO OUR KIDS!!! Reply #95 on: September 08, 2009, 08:59:03 PM
But back to the actual topic of this thread, I'd just like to say,

Quote from: Obama
Don't do drugs
Stay in school
Do something for the good of humankind

Oooooooooooooooooooo very scary Socialist indoctrination speech!!!!

Stupid fuckers.

Are you saying that you weren't mobbed by 10 year olds and forced to proclaim your love for Obama & communism?

I was attacked by 50 children and had a hammer & sickle tattooed on my forehead.

Re: WE DON'T WANT NEGROES TALKING TO OUR KIDS!!! Reply #96 on: September 08, 2009, 09:08:36 PM
I wish I had a hammer & sickle tattooed on my forehead.

You are truly blessed.

Re: WE DON'T WANT NEGROES TALKING TO OUR KIDS!!! Reply #97 on: September 08, 2009, 10:02:42 PM
Mike gets all the sexy 3rd graders...
No Nyarlathotep, no chaos...