How the fuck are the Golan Heights, land captured from Syria after they attempted to invade and destroy Israel "occupied land".
Do you even know why Israelis build settlements there? ....
Umm because THEY ARE NAZIS"S?
Tru? PLEASE tell me you were drunk and/or high and/or whatever
If that isn't an Absolute SLAP IN THE FACE to Any and All Jewish People,
the EPITOME of anti-Semitisim,
i don't know what IS. Yikes.
LOL of course I was drunk. But never the less let me attempt to explain. Hitler and WWII were created-the war was actually invented-by Wall St and international bankers. (including Zionists!) There is no way Hitler could have ever waged such a war with Germany being only about the size of California without direct support from US -read that as "International Corporations" such as Standard Oil which supported Hitler throughout the war and were immune to US threats because America was also dependent on their fuel for it's war machines and a great many US industrialists such as the bush's who did get a slap on the hand, ITT, Ford and GM among others who built all of Hitlers war production plants.
(Oh did you know that after the war these corporations sued the US government for damages caused by our bombers to THEIR Nazi war production plants in Germany ... and won millions in settlements? ) They simply cannot lose!
Now beginning during the last two years of the war and culminating shortly after, the Nazi intelligence operations were in direct contact with US individuals such as the Nazi sympathizer and facilitator Allen Dulles. After the war the US helped a great many of the worst Nazis avoid prosecution for their war crimes and eventually incorporated the entire established Nazi intelligence organization mass murderers included directly into the formation of the foundation of the CIA.
It's much more complicated than simply this because the USSR was also an invention aided into existence by direct US military intervention and corporate support. The Nazi's were fighting the Russians during the war and we were fighting the Nazi's who were committing horrific war crimes against them as well and the Russians were our allies. But as with the other nations only the common people were sent to the front. So immediately after the war once the Nazi's were folded back into our global operations their fight with the Russians became OUR fight.
The corporations had profited so vastly by the wars that after WWII they needed a new boogie man and so another great scam called "The Cold War" was fabricated. There was much heated rhetoric between global "leaders" but in reality the intelligence operations between the US and the USSR were working together to play the leaders and common populations off against each other as a way of justifying the looting of both nations and as a means of taking greater control over the publics.
Ever wonder why Hitler really tried to kill so many jews? How could he have the time and resources while fighting on all fronts? Well here is my take. The Zionists and evil US interests wanted Israel established and needed a huge international outcry to accomplish it. So millions of common jews were basically sacrificed so there would be a large body count to legitimize the drive for its establishment.
But Israel was NEVER intended to be a nice homeland for the common jews. No, it was intended to become a huge concentration camp built by deluded Jews themselves and it's main purpose was simply to foment renewed conflict between the Jews and the hapless -at the time- Muslims.
You see the jewish "leaders" ARE Nazi's, have a Nazi inspired agenda and the common Jewish population ... are plain and simple ... fodder.
Like I said it's much more complicated and there is no way I can directly support these allegations on this board so make with the crazy jokes but look around and see if it doesn't make sense when trying to explain the current state of the world. The Russians finally gave up the charade because it was no longer profitable especially for them to pursue the illusion of a "Cold War" any longer.
But now the Jews and the never ending conflict Israels establishment was intended to foment are finally starting to pay off in allowing greater expansion into Arab territories and continued warfare.
For some background on these allegations read Anthony C Suttons old and extremely well researched works "Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development" , "Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution" , "Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler" and "Wall Street and FDR."
Wiki the man if you want more background on him personally. His conclusions are not directly my conclusions but based on his information I have projected my own thoughts and observations onto the matter. But Still, looking back over the decades you will find it hard to believe his information is invalid.
The pieces just fit to dam well.
I haven't mentioned his last works such as "America's Secret Establishment: An Introduction to the Order of Skull and Bones." yet where he actually starts piecing the puzzle together because people have been trained to turn their brains off whenever S&B is mentioned so I left it for last. There is far more behind all of this than simple profit. But along with greater profit and power comes a far greater ability to shape future events from behind the scenes.
Simply amazing how people can be trained to accept the most evil bastards imaginable as their pillars of society.
Maybe I haven't really explained for you what I meant but it's simply not possible to cover everything from WWI to the present in this context. You can forget most basic history books and official biographies of the people involved. They are intended to misdirect the public and glorify the evil ones.
So go ahead make with the Loon comments everyone. It doesn't bother me.