East Coast is better than west anyway... but Austin is, well, Austin. I have more fun there than I did in Europe. It's all going to come down to jobs I guess. I think I may be able to pull some security work at Room 710 (which could turn into a bartending job me hopes) maybe Trophy's too during shows, and a friend of mine is trying to get me on at Joe's, if I dont have to clean myself up too much... That's a small start, but probably not enough for car payment (308, ins 100+ after it goes up from the wreck) AND rent yet, which is why I was going to stay in the car for a month or so... Cape Cod is very appealing, but a long shot unless they're paying really well up there. Economy gone to shit in Mass hip?
« Last Edit: October 08, 2009, 03:04:05 PM by BURNaMERICA »

I have an American dream, but mine involves Black Masks and Gasoline..