As far as Christianity is concerned, I have little love for it. I think the following sums up my feelings about the religion pretty well:

Yet despite that... I think religion is inherently a fascinating topic. I think it tells us a lot about who we are as humans, it provides exceptionally fertile grounds for examination of cultural evolution as well as for cognitive evolution generally. I also think that while it has potential for great evil that it is more often than not a neutral or net positive factor in our lives. I also approve of traditional behavior not from the perspective of a proponent of non-logical solutions, but from the perspective of one who appreciates, respects, and is intrigued by the simple beauty of such solutions. Deep down I also like to feel kinship with my antecedents, and I'll happily adopt the fiction that my membership in a group helps to define me as a person. For those reasons, I think the following is misguided:
I will say again, Vatican City should be nuked off the face of the earth and the entire catholic church every branch and stem every single cathedral and adherent burned along with them.
I'm against all religion equally from a logical perspective. I.e. I'm against the use of religion in secular areas of life.
But I think that singling any one religion out as particularly more harmful than any other is pretty silly, and I completely disagree that any religions are worthy of eradication. That strikes too far into the realm of thought control for me to be happy with it at all.