"They can't evict you on Christmas, you'd be ho-ho-homeless."
My dad and stepmom are sort of separated. Essentially married for financial reasons with few strings attached, I don't know why they keep it up but they do, for family functions and not much else. They both see other people. Truly a model of functional efficiency.
My dad this year moved to Tampa FL to finish out his career with the VA and eventually retire there. My stepmom got a job back at her old real estate / mortgage firm in Detroit, doing god knows what because housing in the Det/Metro area is shit.
My sister still lives back in our hometown area in Northern Lower Michigan. She and her boyfriend live together, her boyfriend is a stand up guy, hard working, blue collar, nothing to dislike. Compared to her old boyfriend who was a scumbag, this guy is real cool. My sister is 3 yrs younger than me (22) and has an associates degree in business but didn't finish her bachelors. She is working her way up in retail management (in a jewelry store) and seems to like it (it would destroy my will to live but I'm not one to shit on someone else's parade).
They had a small affordable house together, I visited them in July of 2008 and hung out with them for the holiday. Her boyfriend has been off and on work in a terrible construction economy. She was working for a doctor's office on the side from her retail gig but got fired when her married boss tried to sexually harass her and she sued and she is collecting unemployment benefits for the job but I'm not sure if her case ever got dealt with properly. If I still lived in the area I would have beat the man to death with my bare hands and probably be in jail right now.
Her and her boyfriend have both had some hard luck, and it is not easy being young in Michigan right now, I can assure that much to anyone who is wondering. Our parents, still owning my childhood home in Northern Michigan and not occupying it, offered both her and he the opportunity to live there and maintain it and eventually take ownership of it (because neither my parents long-term plan to move back up). This sounded like a good deal, they took it, they spent the last 3 months putting a ton of work into the place, cleaning it from my degenerate step brother's filthy shit (he essentially ruined the garage and basement with his unbelievable waste of life). My parents wanted them to do this work, and didn't help them much, my step-siblings didn't help them much at all (even though most of the property damage was their fault), and I couldn't help them because I'm in Maryland now.
So here's the kicker (if you've been reading on this long)...
My sister calls me a few night's ago in tears, because she finds out, from her boss at the jewelery store (a longtime family friend who is looking for new housing) that the house is in the paper as being for sale in the foreclosure market. She doesn't find this out from our parents, she finds this out from her boss incidentally. The house is being foreclosed on. The house that just recently my parents implored her and her boyfriend to move into and maintain and clean up. They moved there and sacrificed the time and effort they had put into the small place they were making together in order to move up to this bigger property and eventually have ownership stake in it, serious short-term sacrifice for long-term gain. The house goes into foreclosure at the end of January. My parents apparently owe over $300,000k on it on a second mortgage (although the first one is paid off) and the house is probably worth $200k in a good real estate market, and probably worth under $100k given current economic conditions.
The best part, she is trying to get ahold of both of them and neither of them will answer her calls. She will probably have to take time off work the next few weeks to find a new place and quickly move all of her stuff before the house is foreclosed and her personal property becomes debt collateral/liability whatever or repo'd or something.
And this isn't the first time my parents have fucked with her emotionally and financially. They have completely different standards of behavior between me and her and it is almost completely psychopathic, I don't even know what to say to this. I haven't hardly slept in 2 days I'm just completely full of rage and blown out my brain trying to deal with this and I'm out of ideas. I would do anything to help her (and told her as much, even offering her to come out to Maryland and have half of my apartment if she needed to), but there is so little I can do from so far away from the problem.
As the capacity to share anything this deeply disturbing with any other friends or coworkers is pretty much impossible, I'm sharing it with you guys, I don't know.