
Quote from: krapsna
I just conducted an informal office poll amongst my three male co-workers that consisted of the following question: "If you were hanging out with some dude and he told you that he generally preferrs women but sucks dick too from time to time would you consider him gay, bi, or straight?"

Three of three respondants answered gay. I think they also suspect that I'm gay now just for asking that question. As a matter of fact, one of them just walked into my office and said, "So who's your boyfriend?" and started making sucky noises at me. He then followed up that question with "What happened, did you meet some dude and accidentally suck his dick last night?"

wotcha all doing for New Years then?(Read 13517 times)
Re: wotcha all doing for New Years then? Reply #90 on: January 03, 2010, 05:20:18 AM
We had people around, they left about 11 as one of the girls had to be up early the next morning for work and after that I watched black books (I love Dylan moran) and the IT crowd. At 12 I said happy new year and went to bed. Woop de fucking do.

New years day, I did nothing special. Revision, past papers, tv and sleep is about all I do now.

Damn I want it to snow.