
Quote from: hip
don't be such a smarmy little b-word. i think you might just be in need of the edward to your bella. someone in your life that you care about in a way that makes you want to wax your unibrow. AND that spot around your jaw that grows dark hair down from your sideburn area to your neck. don't forget that. guys don't like beards on their sexual partners. except danzig, but he's gay.

I still miss david(Read 1680 times)
I still miss david on: April 27, 2010, 10:17:32 PM
Thrash posted the entire Bagman: The Pheromone Experiment thread at Tsi. David had the best lines in that thread.

You. Me. Magic: The Gathering. Now.

Girls are fags


"Her car rolled down the hill and crashed into a school bus filled with petrol tanks"

HAHAHAHA oh man...
No Nyarlathotep, no chaos...

Re: I still miss david Reply #1 on: April 28, 2010, 05:02:23 AM
Good lines, don't remember a David other than the obvious.

But then I beat up a 16 year old for stealing my bowl when it was in my tool box the whole time.
So, how could I hope to follow online crap.

ah shit ... i suck.
Reality; A shared narrative we all agree to believe.

Re: I still miss david Reply #2 on: April 28, 2010, 11:35:47 AM
We should link to it there ...
I took the liberty of quoting some of david in our quotebox here from that thread ...

Quote from: bagman, 04-29-2002 04:35 PM
Haha I'm gonna get some punani soon ya fucks!

(='.'=) This is the signature bunny. He's hard-fucking-core!