And maybe I'm just freaking out.
But, wtf is up with folks ACTIVELY betraying you? (No, Hip, not you, in particular)
It hurts, so badly.
I cared about the PERSON, not the rest.
Any money? BAH! Money? It's there. It's our invention and it's OURS. Need some? Take some.
(I'm a fucking criminal, that could screw you out of more than you knew you had. how fucking wEnderful)
But you know what?
If you fuck over our friendship
our friendship for money or anything material?
You've RUINED a little piece of love, and it broke a piece of my heart. I hardly can't forgive that, 'cuz it hurts too bad and I don't know how.
I try. But being hurt sort of makes you MEAN! And I'm just not so good at that.
It didn't happen here. I was careful to protect the folks I love. And I DO love y'all. As corny as that could sound. I care, and I wish/pray ONLY the best for y'all, all along whatever road you have to walk.
Through - Edie *HQ*If you listen to the lyrics, well...
down and out, for now ~ I'll be absent for the next couple of days ~ duty calls, eh? ZOOMIE!