Well, I'm no hater. I'm all for love, and homosexual marriage being legal everywhere and all that. And I've seen plenty of homosexual behavior in many different animals.

I love the zoo!
I am sure male animals react strongly when the scent of female animalsis near.
I believe my sisters cats are a couple. They mutually "massage" each other. (I was told this morning that my parents told my kids that the cats "massage" each other.)
Also, my mother's dad had to fixed male cats who were like this, and they lived with two unfixed female cats whom they were never interested in.
It was just so funny that my kids were so loud and excited to tell me the cats were like Uncle Brendon. (My gay uncle)
Yeah, male cats do that. At least two friendly male cats have wanted to do it with my arm.
I'm pretty sure it's because I keep female cats at home but who knows.
Friendly Indeed!