Yummy worms!
Well that sucks you weren't able to go out, but it's good he says he wants to see you. See, a girl can get away with asking "do you still want to see me". If a guy asks that it SCREAMS no confidence, low self-esteem, I-have-a-vagina-in-my-pants. We have to remain cool, calm, collected, let nothing bother us, and keep carrying on. Which I have been doing with regards to my OKC girl, despite her being busy and very hard to see. (I'll update my thread.)
Unless he's a real pussy and can't break the news to you honestly, he's being honest.
You've seen each other 3 times? or more? I'd be afraid to say things like "I have a hard time leaving" and "I'm thinking about you a lot" so soon. I have said "I'd like to see you" and "I like your sense of humor" and things like that but nothing feelings-related yet.