
Quote from: BURNaMERICA
Quote from: bagman
If I go without blowing for two weeks, without fail I will wake up with my boxers stuck to my leg. Some sort of automatic expulsion time limit.
Was 'blowing' really the word you were looking for? Nevermind, of course it was...

Drunken group orgies(Read 10989 times)
Re: Drunken group orgies Reply #30 on: June 01, 2009, 11:26:13 PM
<Psychopathetic> that's great, except I know you don't mean it.
<Psychopathetic> dork.
<hip> i told you that!
<Thrash> nom she's like me, sleeping around is much more fun
<Thrash> I'm with her on that one
<Psychopathetic> Hey! Don't talk about katie like that.
<Sik0> but I DO love Katie. she just doesn't believe me
<Thrash> and if I didn't mean it, I wouldn't say it.
<Thrash> sarah
<hip> yeah. you can only call me a slut, like si does.
<Sik0> if only I could prove myself somehow
<Thrash> and I'm not talking about k8z like that
<hip> and a whore. and a cunt. and a heartless bitch.
<Thrash> no, that's me
<Thrash> fuck, I can't take this, I'll bbl
*** Thrash is now known as Thrash[headpounding]
<Sik0> bye Dave
<Psychopathetic> yikes.
<Sik0> brb
<hip> ahahaha
<hip> this is bullshit.
<tricky> yeah so sean and i broke up.
<tricky> tehehehe.
<Sik0> you're really heartless, aren't you?
<tricky> me? katie? yes
<hip> if being true to myself means i'm heartless, then so fucking be it!
<Sik0> don't make fun of the situation
<hip> there's nothing funny about being told i'm a hooker.
<gardenweasel> hookers charge
<Sik0> hey, DAVE!!
<hip> hey dave?
<Thrash[headpounding]> huh?  what?
<Psychopathetic> haha
*** Thrash[headpounding] is now known as DaveSucks
<hip> ......
<Sik0> gotcha!
<hip> ................gotcha.
<Sik0> haha
* Psychopathetic giggles *
<hip> hi5 si
* Sik0 hi5
<Sik0> dahahaha
<DaveSucks> actually, I'd just looked back
<Psychopathetic> hey! what about me?
<hip> ahhhahaha
<DaveSucks> I'm half watching, half reading email
* Sik0 hi5 Sarah
<Psychopathetic> hhaha hi5!
<hip> hi5 all of the players
<Sik0> hahaha
<DaveSucks> bend over, I'll show you "what about me"
<hip> we all deserve oscars. especially me with the capital BUT YOU PUT ME IN TEARS
<Psychopathetic> hashaha
<hip> haha and ed with his "but hookers charge"
<Psychopathetic> i dunno, i really liked ed's comments about hookers charging
<Psychopathetic> and creamy peanut butter
<hip> Hahaha si
<hip> so true.
<Sik0> haha
<hip> im so amused. that made my day, it did.
<Sik0> hey Dave, don't tell anyone, OK? we may want to pull this one again later
<DaveSucks> ok, cool, so yer still getting blown at the gathering, cool ... glad to hear it
<Psychopathetic> hah.
<gardenweasel> what, this was all a joke?
<DaveSucks> I won't say a word
<Sik0> haha
<Psychopathetic> hahaha
<gardenweasel> fuck
<Psychopathetic> ed you rule
* gardenweasel rules
<hip> very witty dave.
<hip> haha shut up ed
<Sik0> haha, all my co-workers are looking at me funny now
<DaveSucks> uh-huh
<hip> why?
<Sik0> what do you mean, "funny Dave"?
<DaveSucks> oh, wow .. Clue's on
<Sik0> you mean I'm not?
<Sik0> haha
<DaveSucks> wtf?
<tricky> and there was just a britny spears pepsi commercial on!
<tricky> britney
<DaveSucks> oh, great
<DaveSucks> she's not even that hot
<hip> ahaha
<Sik0> I'd do 'er
<gardenweasel> but oh so very skanky
<DaveSucks> I'd fuck her, but just to be able to say I did
<Sik0> haha
* gardenweasel applauds
<hip> i love brittney
<gardenweasel> one t only
<hip> whatevah!
*** DaveSucks is now known as brb
<tricky> i hate her shes a bitch whore
<hip> haha like me
<hip> according to si
<hip> damn ive got so many pms open
<Psychopathetic> haha
<Sik0> I did
<brb> someone please shoot me in the face
<Psychopathetic> bang bang
<Sik0> I closed 'em because I'm a bastard
<Sik0> ahhh
<Sik0> that was fun
<tricky> sigh
<brb> thankie
<Sik0> now I need a smoke
<Sik0> brb
<tricky> i need inspiration
<gardenweasel> I need...
<gardenweasel> I have no idea
<Psychopathetic> yep. smoke. again.
*** Psychopathetic is now known as SmokeySarah
<tricky> i need sexual intercourse
<hip> i can be your inspiration!
<hip> i can be your esxual intercourse!
<gardenweasel> thats always good
<tricky> haha
<hip> just wait till april 5th baby!
<tricky> woohoo!
<hip> wherere we staying?
<tricky> dunno
<tricky> i guess you people need to pick
<tricky> there are all these cheap ass places on Midlothian
<tricky> c knows where that is
<tricky> or should....
<hip> mid what?
<hip> should what?
<tricky> its a "turnpike"
<gardenweasel> hey all  I will catch you later on
<tricky> should know where it is
<gardenweasel> in the evening I guess
<tricky> bye
*** gardenweasel has quit IRC (Quit: Sesame Street has been brought to you by Grover's words of wisdom "If you scream, I'll cut ya! Now do everything Daddy says!")
<brb> K8z, this is for you:   http://pub52.ezboard.com/flcgfrm5.showMessage?topicID=16.topic
<brb> read it, it's like, something that'd make you cry
*** SmokeySarah is now known as Psychopathetic
*** punkallstar has joined #loaded-gun
*** ChanS sets mode: +o punkallstar
<ChanS> Parting at the request of punkallstar
<tricky> hi carolyn
<punkallstar> hey brook
*** brb is now known as DogFucker
<Sik0> hey C
<Sik0> what's up
<hip> hi carolyn
<punkallstar> hey si, katie
<punkallstar> same old
<punkallstar> just busted outta class
<hip> that didnt make me cry, dave
<punkallstar> gotta study for my latin exam tomorrow
<DogFucker> it made ME cry
<Sik0> hey C, it's a shame you were in here earlier
<Sik0> 'cos we were gonna have some fun with you
<Sik0> oh well
<hip> heh
<Sik0> it's probably better, 'cos you might not have found it as funny as we did
<Psychopathetic> hehe
<hip> how about it.
<hip> brb. pee.
<Psychopathetic> no prolly not.
* Sik0 hi5 again to all participants
<hip> hehe
<punkallstar> what do you mean si?
<Sik0> and Dave
<Sik0> arg
<Sik0> someone that types fast explain, please
<hip> we fucked with brook and then dave and made people think si had professed his undying love for me and i shot him down so he called me lots of mean names and i was pissed
<Psychopathetic>  hehe
<Psychopathetic> yeah, that.
* Psychopathetic hi fives
<hip> then we felt horrible to we let brook in on it and dave fell for it all.
<Sik0> haha
<punkallstar> ok
* Sik0 hi5
<Sik0> we RULE!
<hip> hah
<hip> yeah dude.
<Psychopathetic> hehehe
<Psychopathetic> d00d
<punkallstar> i think i get it
<Sik0> yea
<Sik0> it wasn't very complicated
<Sik0> but funny as hell
<Sik0> I hope someone logged that
<Sik0> if so, e-mail it to me
<Sik0> siko@loaded-gun.com
<punkallstar> ok
cream filling for hollow victories

Re: Drunken group orgies Reply #31 on: June 01, 2009, 11:26:42 PM
haha, there is so much more than that but i am not going to post it all.
cream filling for hollow victories

Re: Drunken group orgies Reply #32 on: June 01, 2009, 11:42:42 PM
<Thrash> mmmm, creamy pb on nipples
* Thrash hugs Si ....
Like yours.  Only different.

Re: Drunken group orgies Reply #33 on: June 01, 2009, 11:44:14 PM
<Sik0> time doesn't matter Brook

Like yours.  Only different.

Re: Drunken group orgies Reply #34 on: June 01, 2009, 11:53:30 PM
man. i was so fucking deep.

<tricky> hey! im wearing leg-warmers! oh.

fucking brilliant.
you treat me like a monologue ho

Re: Drunken group orgies Reply #35 on: June 02, 2009, 02:43:15 AM
Are we on the second page and still on topic? Amazing!
A pleasant man with a pleasant weapon

Re: Drunken group orgies Reply #36 on: June 02, 2009, 04:35:52 PM
<Sik0> time doesn't matter Brook


Bahahaha! Man, that was fucking funny.
ever tried. ever failed. no matter. try again. fail again. fail better.

Re: Drunken group orgies Reply #37 on: September 06, 2018, 05:41:44 PM
Wow, I forgot about all of this ...

Quote from: bagman, 04-29-2002 04:35 PM
Haha I'm gonna get some punani soon ya fucks!

(='.'=) This is the signature bunny. He's hard-fucking-core!

Re: Drunken group orgies Reply #38 on: September 06, 2018, 08:49:59 PM
Was that from the irc channel?
Reality; A shared narrative we all agree to believe.

Re: Drunken group orgies Reply #39 on: September 09, 2018, 03:50:29 PM
Yeah, from 2008 or 2009, I think ...

Quote from: bagman, 04-29-2002 04:35 PM
Haha I'm gonna get some punani soon ya fucks!

(='.'=) This is the signature bunny. He's hard-fucking-core!