
Quote from: 13chemicals
I just re-read, "take care of my two plants, my two cats, and me.." and stifled a laugh.  Kyle has turned into a 35+ woman from match.com.

Random Advice - Sexual Attraction (Maxim Mag)(Read 1159 times)
Random Advice - Sexual Attraction (Maxim Mag) on: November 25, 2020, 11:16:32 PM
What are some psychological facts about attraction?
  • Scent is one of factors in one’s attraction towards another. When somebody smells good, we automatically perceive them as more attractive.
  • However, some women are attracted to a natural chemical called androstenol. This chemical is found in fresh male sweat and releases a scent that draws women to men. Androstenol acts as a pheromone, which is a natural turn on.
  • Sometimes, the less you say, your words matter more. And you appear more attractive. Choose your word.
  • The more attracted you are to someone, the easier for them to make you laugh.
  • A woman’s voice sounds more attractive during ovulation
  • Women are more attracted to men who display more dominant characteristics. Who are confident and virile.
  • Some study shows that men who feel hungry often, preferred women with higher weights.
  • Most women automatically find a man more attractive when he has a dog. The reasoning behind this is that it takes a certain level of responsibility to care for a dog and girls find this attractive.
  • Most men, find that younger women are more attractive than older women.
    -Whereas women are more attracted towards older men who is more likely to be fun and possess greater experience and wisdom.
  • Women find men with deep voice attractive. Because deep voices appear to signal that a man possesses high levels of testosterone.
  • Czech Republic research discovered that men who regularly consume one to two cloves of garlic a day smell more attractive to women.
  • Drunk people find others more attractive. Because the alcohol makes them less likely to notice the lack of symmetry in the other person’s face.
  • Study found that 72 percent of women rated men with gray hair as “distinguished” and “hot.”
  • Pennsylvania research found that, men with shaved heads were rated more attractive, assertive, and masculine compared to men with a full head of hair. It also discovered that men with bald heads consistently ranked higher on masculinity, strength, dominance, and leadership potential. All this to say, if you’re going bald, it’s possible to become more attractive simply by shaving your head. It’s sexy, it’s masculine, and women love it.
  • Women from the US, England, Germany, and China all rated men more attractive when they wore the color red.
  • Women found the following colors the most attractive (in order of preference): red, black, blue, green, yellow, and white.
  • Women rated men who were lazy and unambitious as less attractive.
  • Women with attractive partners are more likely to suffer from poor self-esteem and develop eating disorders,
  • Men with heavy stubble or a beard were not only rated more masculine and assertive, they were also rated as healthier and more attractive.
  • Most people find narcissists more attractive than other people. There’s a saying that "you can’t love someone else until you love yourself" and narcissists fit this profile very well.


  • If the fastest way to a man’s heart is through his stomach, then the fastest way into a girl’s heart is through her funny bone. If you can get a girl to laugh, you are already halfway to get her.

Quote from: bagman, 04-29-2002 04:35 PM
Haha I'm gonna get some punani soon ya fucks!

(='.'=) This is the signature bunny. He's hard-fucking-core!