All those years you made fun of me for having herpes, and now you have it. This is too good!
Haha I'm gonna get some punani soon ya fucks!
AN EDUCATIONAL GUIDE TO GOING ANALA few things to know:1 - NO IT IS NOT GAY2 - MANY PEOPLE ARE DOING IT3 - BOTH GUYS AND GALS ARE GETTING INTO IT4 - With a little practice and the adoption of eating yogurt regularly, it is not messy5- There are tons of toys made just for anal play6 - There are MULTIPLE forms of anal play7 - Once you start doing anal, it becomes very addictive for guys and gals8 - You begin to have whole other types of orgasms and excruciating feelings in powerful sexual ways9 - You can do anal play alone OR with an opposite gender partner OR with a same gender person10 - Even basic guy on guy anal sex is NOT GAY ANYMORE just sexKnowing those things really makes a huge difference. By the numbers compared from 25 years ago, today upwards of 70% of ALL people between ages 17 - 47 have tried some form of anal play. In the era before that the highest numbers were never above 25%.Anal provides certain benefits for both males and females. For both, LONGER OBJECTS CAN BE INSERTED if done carefully until a person becomes practiced/trained.A female vagina is only 5 inches deep and can stretch to around 8 inches MAX.For women who have partners who are more endowed, this becomes a problem for vaginal sex as guys want to push the whole thing in and this cannot be done without grave results for her.HOWEVER, with patience and practice a female person can handle up to 14 inches anally and how many guys are that long?So for the ones who are 8–10 this can be a relationship saver.For guys we have a prostate gland and this gland is a sex organ and it produces sex lube for the penis.Certain types of toys and sex play objects/items are specifically designed to stimulate that gland and it can cause an alternative form of orgasm that does not involve a normal ejaculation but rather a prostate fluid ejaculation which comes from a deeper location and is MUCH STRONGER.Sex play options for anal include:1 -Basic insertion = small dildos and sex toys just for that feeling of being penetrated.2 -Vibration play which simply uses vibrators and vibrating sex toys inserted into there.3 - WIDTH PLAY which involved shorter but WIDER anal toys designed to make one feel super full there which super stimulates all the anal nerve endings and after a while of doing this sex play takes on a whole new level.4 - DEPTH PLAY which involves LONG but slender toys designed for super deep penetrations. These toys tend to be 3/4 - 1 inch wide but can be up to 3 FEET LONG with 12 - 18 inches being more standard. It can be wildly sensational feeling an object insert that far and pulling it out may be such a sensation you may pass out from it = it is that strong and orgasmic.5 - ELECTRICAL PLAY which involves electric conducting items that have wires connected to a small hand held controller box.These mat seem ultra intimidating but once you have gone there, beware you will become addicted fast. The controller boxes have 3 forms of adjustments and the 1st = a scroll wheel on the side that takes the volts from 0 - 9. Then there are choices of PULSES and also FREQUENCIES OF THE PULSES so those 2 selections allow you choose from various types of entire pulse types to how often and how long they last in a micro session which is 10 seconds at most and then a short pause.THIS IS TOTALLY SAFE and the voltage is low so you feel a mild shock but not even close enough to harm you.6 - EXPANSION PLAY which involved inflatable balloon type insertables that go in small but have an air pump bulb that allows you to PUMP UP THE SIZE WHILE IT IS INSIDE OF YOU. This is for extreme pleasure and if you bind up the person it is being used on, then force then to have the expanded toy inside for LONG MINUTES, well I have been involved in sex clubs for years and have watched guys totally shoot off from feeling this for a long 4–5 minutes. NOTHING TOUCHED THEIR PENIS. The psychological sexual pleasure was so intense it forced an auto release. It is wild to watch and super sophisticated.7 - PEGGING. This involved a dildo or artificial life like penis placed into a harness that a 2nd person wears. Usually the 2nd person is a female and she proceeds to have ANAL SEX WITH THE GUY. There are even now EJACULATING PENIS TOYS with a bulb to air push some form of liquid substance into a person.Guys can also peg a female and there are sex toys a guys wears OVER HIS OWN PENIS FOR THIS.8 - REGULAR ANAL SEX which involves a penis inserted into an anus of either a male or female person.ALL OF THESE HAVE BECOME COMMONPLACE TODAY to the point they are all normal.Anal sex toys are easily found at both Amazon and Ebay in the NORMAL SHOPPING SEARCHES as well as any of countless adult and novelty stores online.25 years ago I had only had a few rare anal events personally that involved girlfriends who were well, just a bit kinky & adventurous.About 10 years ago all that changed for myself as well as basically EVERYONE it seems so this is all quite normal now and the whole gay/homosexual thing has become NOT ABOUT SEX AT ALL, but about life partnerships with same gender persons.Not saying gay people do not do these things, but it has separated SEX from RELATIONSHIP which is a mega game changer across the board.There was a time not long ago when any guy liking or seeking anal sex was branded as gay but today that is just regarded as SEX unless the guy specifically likes RELATIONSHIPS WITH GUYS ON A MORE PERSONAL LEVEL INVOLVING PARTNERSHIP AND DATING.I do warn all that anal sex play will become a major event in your life once you go there. THIS IS ADDICTIVE and for many has replaced vaginal sex altogether even among women.That for my generation is totally wild.