ThrashInc: i wanna put a burrito into a taco ...
ThrashInc: however, I can't because it has a sauce problem at the moment.
Fuse1138: Aren't they just about the same thing? Except for the consistency of the tortilla?
ThrashInc: no, not at all
Fuse1138: maybe not.
ThrashInc: See, I have this burrito and it's filled with cream cheese right now
Fuse1138: sounds absolutely disgusting
ThrashInc: however, the taco's got an overflowing sauce problem, it's had it for, like, 3-4 days now
Fuse1138: Sauce has been pouring out of this taco for 4 days?
ThrashInc: yeah
Fuse1138: Did you buy it in el Twilight Zone?
ThrashInc: I mean, I can peel some chili to solve one part of the problem, though, I guess
Fuse1138: Didn't Taco Bell already do this? The gordito
Fuse1138: ?
ThrashInc: uhm, the founder's parents did, or so I'd think
ThrashInc: ok, off to Taco Bell ... bbiaf
Fuse1138: ahh
Fuse1138: seeys.
Fuse1138: Think I'm gonna get offline for awhile. Take a nap and heal.
ThrashInc: oi
ThrashInc: ** MUAH! **