Don't forget, there were people here before that can't be herded into reservations and forgotten about ...Quote from: Drugmoth*waiting for my free gift blankets*
*waiting for my free gift blankets*
Quote from: Drugmoth on May 03, 2009, 11:15:30 AMYou don't realize how fucking long this place (whatever form it has been in) has been a sausagefest. Trust me, it's not a shame.It still is. The homosexuality obsession is boring.
You don't realize how fucking long this place (whatever form it has been in) has been a sausagefest. Trust me, it's not a shame.
How would you prefer for us to insult one another?
Yeah, it is. But society's general obsession with homosexuality is pretty boring anyway.Except for girl on girl. That's hot.
Look dude, there's only one thing I like that starts with Hot Black Co- and it doesn't end in 'ffee'.
You could be more creative about it.You're an interior designer who is knitting a sweater for your mom.