What kind of faggot sits around programming malicious software? Seriously, when was the last time you touched a vagina, Mr. Trojanfag?.....*sigh*.....anyways, so I got another infection which was completely my fault. I wasn't running the protection I should have been and I was recklessly downloading shit I shouldn't have been. I'm not even gonna say how I got the infection.....let's just say...speed is a hell of a drug.
Well on the upside, I have a pretty good track record. The last time I got a malicious rootkit was a few years ago (also completely my fault, also totally preventable). It also doesn't seem to be as ruthless as the last one I got. It just reminded me how much of a dumbass I was for not backing up my computer EVER in the past, so I instantly got a Mozy account and am backing up all my music, porn, and other important files as we speak. Hopefully I don't have to format, but at least I don't have to worry about my precious files if I do.