FINAL evaluation for my eyes and being cleared of all complications on THURSDAY ...
I'm told this is going to be the last one and if all's the same, and the injection doesn't cause problems, I'll be 100% cleared for a long flight and can make my arrangements ...
Sorry, it's been a long issue with my PRK/Lasik ...
(I had unusually thick retnas, and, as a result, I needed a PRK shaving of them, and then traditional lasik; as a result, my "flap" was weaker then most and, although they anticipated at least one infection, I got none, but the flap took a while to take and heal properly; it's supposedly over the past month been healing as normal, and my doctors know my plans and have been working hard to help me make it happen. I was supposed to be cleared last month, however, they saw a "spot" and needed to make sure it's all good, and it seems to be, so we should be good. I WILL NOT compromise my eyesight, obviously, but we'll do what we have to do. I'm thinking it'll be fine, sorry for the delays, I just didn't know anything positive until recently, and they really think it's "all clear" at this point.)
Thanks for your concern, and thanks for your patience ...