I recommend that Dylan and Krsna sort this out by PM. I've sorted the board side of it out already.
If that dont work, I'll be recommending Thunderdome.
There's nothing to sort out. Dylan thinks I have some kind of vendetta against him, and I think his begging for mod status was an obvious warning sign of the fascism to come.
Anyway, the editing of someone's posts is a really funny joke until you're on the receiving end of it. Example, I imagine if I were to hack these boards and edit one of Dave's posts I'd go down as the first user banned from these forums.
This place is a message board that used to be really fun, but somewhere along the a couple of the mods have begun to lord over regular users, and frankly, that's not my kind of scene.
So, to those same mods who's attitude is fuck you if you can't deal with being shit on, I say fuck you if you can't take the shit being flung back at you.