i haven't discussed this with anyone but my boyfriend, who agreed it's suspicious, as is her style of how fast they got married and had a baby and how she now seems to always have a way of egging on rifts between my folks and i wheneer there's a difference of opinion. she also hasn't worked at her part-time job since she got pregnant, and my neice's 1st birthday is this month. she's happy as a pig in shit to mooch off my parents' groceries, let my brother work his ass off to try to support her dr.pepper+fried chicken habit (i mentioned she's from houston?), and essentially have my parents raise and coddle that baby because she talks and acts as though she expects the baby to sit around being quiet and entertaining herself. then to me she will proclaim that she plans on living at my parents' house for the next six or seven years, you know, so the second baby she plans on having will have started school by then, and until that time, my mom can continue to act as a live-in babysitter and my parents' fridge will keep them all fed.
i have tried to form ANY kind of bond with this girl, despite our huge personality and morality differences. not once has my phone rang by her number. and you people may not get this about me, but i am THE girl anyone i know would first look to to take care of their children of any age. I absolutely love children, and i'm extremely good with them. Never once have i ever given this girl even the slightest indication that i would mistreat the baby in any way. so the thing that pushed me over the edge was that she told my roommate she didn't want me at the house (again, it's my folks' house, where my high school bedroom still exists) and she doesn't want me around the baby. the baby absolutely lights up at the mere sight of me, and i love to make her giggle her little head off. she has expressed jealousy of my connection with the baby, but in all honesty, i've not once seen the girl even smile at that child. she's always got a miserable expression and her attitude about the whole thing is worse. not my baby, not my life, but there's only so much i can really just stand by watching her do things i think are destructive to that child. keeping her up til all different hours waiting for my brother to get home so she doesn't have to e the one to put the baby down because it gets to the point where the baby is screaming bloody murder when she's involved. visiting my restaurant and letting the eleven month old eat an entire basket of french fries and not packing fucking baby food.
the best part is how patronizing she is towards me. i generally stay mum and ignore it, because as she tells me how i need to grow up and get my life together, all i have to do is think of hers to remind myself she's a stunted fucking moron. but there's the baby... i wonder if my brother feels trapped in the marriage. i'm most worried that if she's so quck to say she doesn't want me to be around the baby (godmother katie, by the way) what's to stop her from taking off with the baby if she and my brother have issues?