
Quote from: Zoomie
I think of Israel as a place where a bunch of persecuted people went and when they got there they stole the land from it's rightful owners.
No wait, that's the US AND Israel....

Any fans of "Dead Like Me"?(Read 1256 times)
Any fans of "Dead Like Me"? on: August 23, 2009, 11:04:57 PM
Just watched an episode on SyFy, the only place to find it these days. Damn that was a good show.
No Nyarlathotep, no chaos...

Re: Any fans of "Dead Like Me"? Reply #1 on: August 24, 2009, 12:45:27 AM
Really? I saw it on Hulu and was debating watching it or not.  I guess I'll try it out now.
A pleasant man with a pleasant weapon

Re: Any fans of "Dead Like Me"? Reply #2 on: September 05, 2009, 01:23:53 AM
I'm a HUGE fan of Dead Like Me, and I have both season on DVD.  Been meaning to re-watch them, actually.  I watched the DLM movie on netflix streaming, but it was kind of.... um.... yeah.  The pacing was off, the acting was sub-par, and it just didn't fit well.  I could tell there was a lot more story that was supposed to have been told but was cut out.
No one mourns the wicked.