
Quote from: Drugmoth
Who in their right mind would enjoy sucking a teeni weeni?

Who wants to go do some crimes?(Read 1791 times)
Who wants to go do some crimes? on: September 20, 2009, 06:25:58 AM
It's truly a shame I am no longer there to yell at girls to make out with you.

Re: Who wants to go do some crimes? Reply #1 on: September 20, 2009, 06:36:53 AM

And $20k a year in payments doesnt seem that large. I'm guessing Wellford isnt a really large town?

Re: Who wants to go do some crimes? Reply #2 on: September 20, 2009, 11:50:31 AM
"Duke, let's go do some crimes."

"Yeah. Let's go get sushi and not pay!"
ever tried. ever failed. no matter. try again. fail again. fail better.

Re: Who wants to go do some crimes? Reply #3 on: September 20, 2009, 01:40:30 PM
Welcome to South Carolina. We can still drop a perp from 25 yards.

Re: Who wants to go do some crimes? Reply #4 on: September 21, 2009, 11:03:52 AM
I'M DOWN. what do i have to lose?
you treat me like a monologue ho