Right, we fucked up their country multiple times and they hate us. For good reason, I agree. But that doesn't have to be the future forever.
They were a bee's dick away from electing a sensible leader with whom we could openly normalize relations until the powers that be decided to rig the elections and award a landslide to the lunatic running the place. In the process they alienated a lot of youth (Iran is a very young country) who don't identify with that agenda at all. Eventually the R.G., the Clerics, and Ahmadinajad will have to pay up when their momentum from stealing this election comes back around. Suicide bombings on members of the R.G. who were responsible for repressing election protests, I'm just incapable of seeing that in any kind of negative light, it's one small step towards a better Iran.
Ahmadinajad was a Bush rival, but the guy has more in common with Bush than just about any other middle east leader. He's a complete madman who is supported solely by the military and religious leaders.

Pour the wine, hold the grind, quarter to nine, let's go.