Since I've been playing " Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth" and found a source of good quality Lovecraft movies on youtube and
this resource for online stories
I have become literally addicted to this sucker.
The problem is the stark white on black text and single page format at that website makes it hard to read the stories.
So, I have installed an application that I have used before and taken the trouble to zip up the required files to share here.
The program is called TR BookShelf and is a flash based application which allows to extract all text from a text file or webpage and automatically formats it into an easy to read book format. It works freaking great and is fully customizable allowing a wide variety of book display formats and allows for personal pictures and flash apps on it's main screen as well as editing the text and adding your own media content to the book. (Not sure how to share the finished books but I bet it is possible)
It's very small, keys into IE and adds a context menu called of course BookShelf. Click that link while on a page and all the text is extracted into an addition to the bookshelf with the same title as the webpage.
I love it. Much easier on the eyes for long texts and for saving stuff such as these short stories or articles for later reading.
I've just installed it this morning on my laptop and here is my current theme customized with my own background image and showing a couple of Lovecraft tales and some of the default books that come with the app. (they can be deleted)

I share it with all of you. This is not quite the latest version but is 100% safe and functional.
Tested and scanned myself. If you do a lot of online reading you might want to check it out., overwrite .dll with one provided. (Revenge nfo included), enjoy.
« Last Edit: March 23, 2009, 02:37:29 PM by Tru »

Reality; A shared narrative we all agree to believe.