
Quote from: Tru
I have only kicked one person out of my life. And the motherfucker thinks he can still use my mail box.
Everything that comes for him is either ripped in half or goes straight into the garbage.
Quote from: 13chemicals
I suggest shaking your cane harder at him in order to stop him from using your mail box.

Gov Shoots Self In Foot Over Tax Refund Seizures(Read 1226 times)
Gov Shoots Self In Foot Over Tax Refund Seizures on: March 01, 2010, 03:29:39 AM
They're doing it this year ~ seizing tax return monies from folks for outstanding student loans.


Wonder how many folks will be UNDERPAYING their taxes all during this year?

Wonder what the gov is going to do about ALL OF THAT INTEREST they USED to be able to draw on those overpayments?

This move sure ought to stimulate the economy ...
A Mobius Strip
IS Infinity