
Quote from: Zoomie
you don;t hide them dear boiy, you flautnt them for the whpel wprl to seed!
spel check is fucked up on thi computer

Making Money(Read 1961 times)
Making Money on: February 28, 2010, 06:07:16 PM
An issue of semantics, but the phrase "making money" really fucking annoys me.

I was listening to a show on NPR, talking about kids going to a special high school to learn about economics & financial stuff.  The kids were talking about how they were interested in "making money." 

People produce goods and/or services of value.  Money is a medium of exchange.  
« Last Edit: February 28, 2010, 07:48:58 PM by Emperor Reagan »

Re: Making Money Reply #1 on: February 28, 2010, 07:27:23 PM
So your other choices are:

earning a wage
bringing home the bacon
pumping ducats
making the taxman smile
No Nyarlathotep, no chaos...

Re: Making Money Reply #2 on: February 28, 2010, 08:02:28 PM
How about any terminology that implies labor? 

I sort of think about it like the Department of Defense versus the Department of War.  The choice of terminology makes a big difference in the way people think about things.  If you had a Secretary of War going on TV talking about needing some overpriced plane to more effectively wage war, you'll get a much different reaction than a Secretary of Defense going on TV and talking about how the same overpriced plane is vital to the national defense.

Making money as an end implies that is the most important thing about labor.  Maybe it is the most important thing to most people.  But it should not be.  What should be important are fulfilling jobs and making a net positive contribution to society.  I find the idea that kids say their goal is to "make money" is extremely depressing.

Re: Making Money Reply #3 on: February 28, 2010, 08:08:33 PM
I knew what you meant. I don't even have a job. I'm interested in getting the bills paid so I have time to go do other things.
No Nyarlathotep, no chaos...

Re: Making Money Reply #4 on: February 28, 2010, 08:28:02 PM
I have a high paying job which I'd like to outsource to someone else
Loaded-Gun.com - I don't know what the hell they are talking about or why they are even there. They don't make serious points and they don't joke, but they still manage to make a lot of posts somehow.

Re: Making Money Reply #5 on: February 28, 2010, 08:40:13 PM
I'd love to be your personal Bangalorean but it's almost sailing season, I couldn't possibly get a job...
No Nyarlathotep, no chaos...

Re: Making Money Reply #6 on: February 28, 2010, 09:35:22 PM
Loaded-Gun.com - I don't know what the hell they are talking about or why they are even there. They don't make serious points and they don't joke, but they still manage to make a lot of posts somehow.

Re: Making Money Reply #7 on: February 28, 2010, 10:46:16 PM
Strange, I was thinking the same thing. I watched some stupid show recently and there was a guy out on the street of NY shouting "Rockefeller makes a million dollars a day" over and over.

Yeah well he is one of the original Nazi banking assholes and does MAKE a million dollars a day. Which is loaned to the US government for FED operations costs but with interest. That is what the IRS is for. Collection.
Reality; A shared narrative we all agree to believe.

Re: Making Money Reply #8 on: March 01, 2010, 05:17:04 AM
An issue of semantics, but the phrase "making money" really fucking annoys me.

I was listening to a show on NPR, talking about kids going to a special high school to learn about economics & financial stuff.  The kids were talking about how they were interested in "making money." 

People produce goods and/or services of value.  Money is a medium of exchange. 

It's a fucking scorecard. A way for barely literate monkey fuckers to lord it over people who dont have anywhere as much...

There's always somone richer... Stupid kids.