Tried to post a poll for this topic but the board refused to take it.
Ok I only did a poll because I've never used them before and wanted to try it out. Obviously with no forethought.
The point is for a long time it was ILLEGAL to actually own gold as a monetary unit. With a penalty of up to ten years in prison and a fine of twice the worth of the gold. Only jewelry and specific collectable coins were allowed in the hands of US citizens.
I would like to understand all of the dynamics that lead to nearly (but not entirely) the US public having all of their raw gold confiscated at the then current mineral value in paper currency. Or face 10 years in prison. Roosevelt even actually set the price of gold at $35 an Oz while making it's ownership illegal.
Looking For Perspective
How could this have happened and what effect of this can be perceived today?
Oh shit I just shot another Raccoon, I heard a bunch of noise outside and those suckers were all over my porch, at least three that I saw if not four. I yelled at them and stamped my feet to chase them away then came and got my gun and went back out, so much for the brave few.
They are tough, took two shots to the head to make it stop trying to live.