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How To Achieve A Killer Money Shot(Read 1152 times)
How To Achieve A Killer Money Shot on: June 03, 2021, 08:18:30 PM
How To Achieve A Killer Money Shot
The (porn) cumshots are not as easy as you’d expect/hope.
Some guys see guys shooting ropes of cum and think, meh, I can do that.

When you’re 18 and full of testosterone, at home, sure thing. When you’re filming and you have one shot to make it right, it’s not quite as simple. The guys you see in porn shoots take their cumshot serious, they have to. It’s important to the fans. To achieve a killer money shot, there are several key things that go into it, the first and most important being diet.

Coconut water (1L or 33 ounces daily), 8-12 stalks of celery daily and at least 2-3L of water (66-99 ounces of water). Supplement wise, Lecithin (1200 mg, twice daily) Zinc (50mg, twice daily) and Folic Acid (1000 mg, once daily)
Stay clear of smoking and drinking as both will impede your flow. Another thing, no masturbation for 3-4 days prior to filming. Yes, you can film sooner but I’ve found that 3-4 days is the sweet spot for a decent money shot. Wait longer (if you’re on this diet and these supplements) and you get blue balls.
Another side trick.. get yourself hard to the the half way point of cumming… then stop. Go back to life. Your dick will get soft, and you might be a little uncomfortable but when you do shoot.. there’s now more ammo in the gun.

Quote from: bagman, 04-29-2002 04:35 PM
Haha I'm gonna get some punani soon ya fucks!

(='.'=) This is the signature bunny. He's hard-fucking-core!