Hey ladies and gentlemen.
Amazing doesn't even begin to describe Tokyo. Hands down (my pants), it's the coolest place I have ever been. So much to talk about, so many pictures to post, and even some sneaky videos that my mom's husband took in this weird fucking bookstore we went to, where they had a bunch of underage girls in nudie magazines, and scat magazines. Yes. Scat MAGAZINES. I've seen jap-scat videos, but had never heard of magazines with it in there. So very tempted to purchase one, but I already had a fucked up manga, two Japanese porno mags, and a pair of used panties (yes that will be one of the stories, to come), so I was worried about customs. How embarassing would it be to have my luggage pulled apart and all of that sick shit laid out for everybody to see in LAX? Speaking of LAX - Venus Williams (the tennis superstar) ran into me while I was waiting in line for the x-ray. Haha. Mildly cool.
Funny - they didn't even check my stuff at all, so either me or my mom's husband could have taken whatever the hell we wanted back.
Nick is cool. Helped me a bit with my motivation problems and a LOT with directions and getting my bearings. I would venture to say I am confident with my way around the busiest train station on the planet - Shinjuku. (I stayed in a hotel that was fairly close to the station.)
I have a plan/goal for the trip in November. Not having to pay for airfare. But that's another thread.
Plus all the new sex news. Oh yeah. Just need to figure out where to start.