
Quote from: (_)_)===D
By "the beard is gone" you mean you kicked your old lady to the curb and are now openly gay, right?

Weed Strains(Read 7592 times)
Re: Weed Strains Reply #30 on: May 20, 2009, 06:54:46 PM
Personally high-grade hybrids between Indica and Satvia strains (which are always pretty common nowadays among cheap weed) are top choice picks for a lot of people since they like the mix of a body and head high, but I tend to stride to a hydroponic-grown full Indica plant, it just makes a difference to me.
twitter.com/drxgs follow the rabbit
Quote from: @Drugmoth
DrugmothRT @drxgs: A fast monday it may become, where is that bottle of Adderall! ~I would kill a small child for some Adderall right now :P

DrugmothRT @drxgs: @Drugmoth Oh look, is that a small child holding a bottle of - oh my - adderall, walking across the street! ~Don't joke around!