I pretty much made this thread only cuz I'm sick of seeing all alcohol and weed threads, it's lame. Change the forum name to Smoking and Drinking if that's all you're gonna talk about.
And as for amphetamines, well, it's fine if I only get an amount that will last me a few days, which is what I'm used to. But now I get a script, and I'm not used to 30 days worth all at once......aaaand it's a bad idea to give me that much amphetamine at once cuz I really have a hard time controlling myself and if you go on a run for more than 2-3 days it turns from fun to miserable pretty quick. I've been trying to sell half my script before I do too much but it seems like there isn't much of a fucking market for speed around here. The few speed freaks will pay out their ass though. I've lost all my connections though. I ended up just giving away a bunch to DJ and his gf and did some with them. I figure if I can't sell any I might as well have some fun with others because the pills I gave them would most likely be the ones I would use to prolong an inevitable crash and not feeling good.
Oh and please no fucking posts like criticizing my behavior or anything like that. If you have nothing to say about your own experience or something relevant than just don't post please. I don't feel the need to go into the alcohol threads and say things like "Wow, good job being a drunk, say goodbye to your liver in a few years". So I guess that means, just don't even reply to this thread cuz none of you will probably have anything to say that is constructive, hah.
« Last Edit: March 07, 2009, 04:12:53 PM by Drugmoth »

A pleasant man with a pleasant weapon