you know how my last roomie situation worked out. actually, maybe you don't know the whole story to current: she still hasn't contacted me other than to say rude things about me on facebook. i love that facebook is now her only way to get at me. i definitely win. plus, she is insisting in phone calls to mutual friends three things specifically: 1. that she has paid back the money she owed me and my parents (nope), 2. she's paid my landlord what she owes him for the smashed kitchen and living room picture windows (nope), and i have dishonored her as a friend by being upset with her over any of this bullshit mess she left me with. wait a second, really? i also just totaled up the back bills from the apartment expenses that i paid for entirely after letting them run late already waiting for her money, and paying them in recent weeks just to get it over with and move on.
but i have a great great new roommate, and so far things are better than ever. how can you say what's better? if it were me, i think i'd buy a 2bdrm if it's nice and as easily flippable as you can get these days, and get a roommate. just don't pick a friend who has a "wild side" is all i can say.