"When you walk with your nose up and chin high, you leave your throat exposed."
But... but... it's a vegitable... You're not supposed to eat vegitables.... it's a sin! My momma said so! Oh... wait.. that was only potatoes, tomatoes and beets... Carry on!
Indian food- Haven't I posted why I don't like indian food? It's because it's greasy, has bones in it, and mostly tastes like dirt. I would eat it to live but not for enjoyment.
Da fuck does a Norwegian know about eggplant parm...OTOH,Da fuck does an Irish Jew know about eggplant parm?
Haha I'm gonna get some punani soon ya fucks!
Here's one I'm eating right now! Plain oatmeal with artificial sweetener. Step one: Make plain oatmealStep two: Add artificial sweetener.