It's not my call where they go. I can't revoke their cards to the server room. My boss can and he loves them because he plays SWG with them. As for calling them idiots and pussies in front of them, I've done it. They're too stupid to realize that I'm talking about them though. Today, I went off on them for violating the "no liquids around work stations" rule on the administration room. Admins have a room right across from the lounge area for my building, for that very reason! It's so we don't HAVE to take sodas, coffee, tea, whatever back to our desks. These guys were removing one of my peer's computers to replace it with an upgrade and they brought in open top big gulps... ALSO, why would it take 2 fuckheads to remove 1 work station with a little red wagon? meh
I can't wait until the summer's over and they go back to wherever the fuck they came from... I will not be recommending them for full time employment.