The mediterranean diet has proven to be a very healthy one.
Personally, I'd happily trade a healthier end life over an extra 10 shitty years.
I'll off myself if my mind start to go. I think that's my line in the sand. Alzheimer's or something like that.
This guy had felt unwell for months, so he decided to see his doctor. The doctor examined him and referred him to the hospital to see various specialists. After a couple of weeks, all the test results came through, he returned to see his doctor.
"I'm very sorry", said the doctor. "I'm afraid I have bad news and worse news."
"Tell me the worst."
"I'll be honest, you have cancer, you'll be dead in three months."
"Shit! " said the guy. "What on earth is the bad news?"
"You also have Alzheimer's Disease."
"Alzheimer's? Oh well, at least I don't have cancer."