i happen to think eating meat and dairy products is disgusting. this is why i'm a vegan, not because i needed a group to which to belong or identify with. as far as eating as a means to please the tastebuds, i never liked the flavor of meat as a child, and when it comes to the cheese issue: the disgust and horror factors far outweigh my memories of the delicious flavors of the different cheeses of the world. besides, at this point i no longer crave said cheeses, as i've kicked the habit. cheese is an addiction. as far as not eating meat, in no way do i deprive myself of animal flesh. i haven't had any in over 17 years and would never go back to change my ten-year old decision to be a vegetarian. i'm even happier with my decision of a year and a half ago to go vegan. no regrets. no self righteous bullshit. no feelings of being restricted or forced to eat a certain way. it's the way i want to be, live, eat, whatever. why is this so difficult for people to grasp? it's a very simple concept.