It's a town called Beeville, but our last name was mistaken to be: Coldbeer.
Living on Gulf st. was an easy transition to GulP St
and of course, Beeville is easily made into BeeRville.
You could actually mail something to me at: Wendy Coldbeer, 1803 GulP St, BeeRville, Tx 78102.
That's the beauty of small towns ~ the mailman will get a good laugh AND deliver the mail.
The bank we use? My mom once wrote a check while she was uber drunk, and forgot to sign it.
The bank cashed it, no prob ~ they recognized her handwriting!
Y'all talk about these "big city" doings, and although i've been there, and done that,
it isn't a reality in my life, because our banks, grocery stores, post offices ALL know us ~
who we are, where we came from, how we fit into the community.
Read That: You CAN NOT be a fuktard, for even ONE second, without everyone in 5 counties knowing about it!
We actually have to keep up a rep, irl.