I like you better on Twitter.
Previously, I railed against Twitter as a medium for communication. However, now that I've used it for a while, I "get" it. At least, I get one use for it.
Personally, I consume more on Twitter than I produce.
- I follow a few of my favorite public performers.
- I follow several websites.
- I follow a few friends.
These provide a reasonable level of information and amusement every morning. Some folks (like Dylan, and - strangely - NASA) produce a lot of content but, for the most part, they deliver bite-sized updates on things in which I have an interest. Thus, I'm able to replace RSS feeds with something that is equally robust, since it includes personal updates from individuals. Note: this is how I understand facebook to work as well.
As for my own content, almost half of my posts are replies or reproductions of other posts. So, even the content which I could titularly claim to have produced is actually just rebroadcasting.
Long story short: I like me on Twitter too. I think it's an excellent service for how I use it. How I use it, though, is not exactly traditional (not withstanding that, I think - as an aggregation service - a lot of folks here could grow to enjoy it).
Also, It's really quite fun to try to type a thought out in exactly 140 characters!
« Last Edit: August 21, 2009, 12:59:36 PM by eitje »

Like yours. Only different.