"i went to Antigua, and spent approximately $15/day on EVERYTHING i did!"
Sorry, not possible. Antigua is going to seem expensive to anyone coming from the US. Doesn't mean we can't have a fucking blast on a somewhat limited budget, but there's pretty much nothing cheap about this place.
(leaving a TRAIL that ANY woman Si may scarf-up on, and bring home, is SURE to find...)
Oh no! All the women I bring home will find the trail!

If y'all go in December, the weather will be glorious ~ even Si says so.
Yes. Very much beach weather, with a nice breeze and relatively cool nights. But at no point is it ever sweater weather here, regardless of what time of day or night it is. And this is the tropics, mosquitos are an issue. Why am I still debating this issue?
probably around the time you get a job and a place of your own. promise.
If I'm suffering that much jet-lag I want two weeks, but I can do part of that on my own someplace if it's too long.
Good call. If you were doing both weeks in Antigua, you might want to try staying in a couple of different places. We can sort this out, no prob.
Si - why don't you ghost an itinerary and cost it for us, because we have no idea.
Will do. I'm gonna start researching stuff today. I'm assuming our best bet would be either villas near each other or rooms in a single hotel, for ease of moving as a group. If we do end up with a hotel, I'll probably grab a room there for a couple of nights as well.
Assume we'll all bring in the maximum amount of booze
Booze is about the only cheap thing here. That and smokes. Any cigarette smokers (are there?) are advised not to bring more than the bare minimum they need while travelling, cuz cigs here WILL be cheaper than they can get them where they live.
plan say half of the meals as home cooked (BBQ's and relaxing somewhere can be more fun than just eating out a lot)
Absolutely. It's pretty much always BBQ weather here, and there are some fairly inexpensive restaurants we can go to. A villa with a proper kitchen may be something we want to look into if we wanna save some money by cooking a bit.
I'm interested in chartering a boat from a local who owes you favors for whisky and spending a day doing bombs off starboard... I mean fishing.
I actually have several friends with boats, providing lunch and a cooler full of booze is probably all that we'd need to convince someone to take us out boating. We could zip over to
Green Island!