
Quote from: FAH-Q
You were in Iceland too?! I stopped in there on my way to Narnia.

I have my dogs with me tonight..(Read 2098 times)
I have my dogs with me tonight.. on: August 26, 2009, 12:09:22 AM
Its been too long.. We washed them and treated them with the flea meds.
The Cheesy Poof (My niece, hereafter known as cheesy poof) giggled uncontrollably at their antics. All 4 of em are asleep in bed with me. My baby is gonna be sleeping in my arms. I miss them so much.  Even more, I miss my Banky. He's in dogie heaven now. I wish I could show you my kids. Theyre beautiful.

Re: I have my dogs with me tonight.. Reply #1 on: August 26, 2009, 12:28:16 AM
Dogs are wonderful animals -- no doubt about it.

Re: I have my dogs with me tonight.. Reply #2 on: August 26, 2009, 12:29:49 AM
No kidding!  Each one is SUCH a character!

i'm glad they're there, with you, Hilder ~ they miss Banky, too, i know.
A Mobius Strip
IS Infinity

Re: I have my dogs with me tonight.. Reply #3 on: August 26, 2009, 05:32:54 AM
Dogs are wonderful animals -- no doubt about it.

And they make great stirfrys

Re: I have my dogs with me tonight.. Reply #4 on: August 26, 2009, 09:24:36 AM
No kidding!  Each one is SUCH a character!

i'm glad they're there, with you, Hilder ~ they miss Banky, too, i know.

Yes, they are. I forget you've met my kids.

I know they miss Banky. My sister said that when they buried him my kids started crying and Roxy tried to dig him out. Roxy loved Banky the most. they were buddies from day one. He was the only one who played with her and accepted her into the pack.
Powder tolerates her, but nigger and venus still dont like her. Especially venus because she has to compete for my attention.

I missed them taking up 3/4 of my bed even though the biggest one is only 35 lbs and the smallest one is 13 pounds.

Re: I have my dogs with me tonight.. Reply #5 on: August 26, 2009, 10:15:05 PM
No kidding!  Each one is SUCH a character!

i'm glad they're there, with you, Hilder ~ they miss Banky, too, i know.

Yes, they are. I forget you've met my kids.

I know they miss Banky. My sister said that when they buried him my kids started crying and Roxy tried to dig him out. Roxy loved Banky the most. they were buddies from day one. He was the only one who played with her and accepted her into the pack.
Powder tolerates her, but nigger and venus still dont like her. Especially venus because she has to compete for my attention.

I missed them taking up 3/4 of my bed even though the biggest one is only 35 lbs and the smallest one is 13 pounds.

Awwww...that's so cute and sad at the same time.