The united States, which put an end to WWI, is a terrorist nation?
The United States, which put an end to WWII, is a terrorist nation?
The United States, which in the wake of WWII rebuilt Europe, including those nations it fought against, is a terrorist nation?
The United States, which in the wake of WWII rebuilt Japan, is a terrorist nation?
The United States, which saved South Korea from becoming part of the Kims' Marxist slave-state, is a terrorist nation?
The United States, which attempted to prevent Vietnam from becoming a Marxist slave-state (and would have succeeded if not for the sabotage of the political left, whose enlightened beneficence resulted in the mass slaughter and oppression of the Vietnamese and Cambodians), is a terrorist nation?
The United States, which spent
half a century resisting the totalitarian USSR in its quest to dominate the world, is a terrorist nation?
The United States, which prevented Sadam from slaughtering the Kuwaitis, is a terrorist nation?
The United States, which spent ten years keeping Sadam in check, is a terrorist nation?
The United States, which liberated 32,000,000 Afghanis from the Taliban and gave them a chance to rebuild their nation, is a terrorist nation?
The United States, which liberated 28,000,000 Iraqis and Kurds from Sadam's regime, gave them a chance to rebuild their nation, and gave those within neighboring countries hope that they might someday see an end to their own dire straights by following the Iraqis example (and in the process eliminated a possible trigger to another world war via Sadam cutting off Europe's oil supply), is a terrorist nation?
The United States, whose private citizens as well as government programs, give vastly more in aid to the less fortunate around the globe, is a terrorist nation?
The United States, which has served as the engine of technological progress in every field of human endeavor, from entertainment, to medical science, to the exploration of space, is a terorist nation?
The United States, which has served as the economic engine which has raised the standard of living throughout much of the world far above anything ever seen before int he history of the human race, is a terrorist nation?
Agreed completely. Freedom fighter is the same thing as terrorist, it just depends on who's writing the history books.
No, it is not. You should be so grateful that you are able to live such a sufficiently sheltered existence that you may afford to believe something so morally and intellectual without merit.
I would strongly suggest you look into not only the methods, but the history and philosophical motivations of Hamas, Hezbollah, Al-Queda, the Taliban... oh, and that darling of young fools everywhere, Ernesto "The Butcher of la Cabana" Guevara.
For the Islamist you might as well start at the root, and you might as well begin with those who have lived and left his perverse creed: for Che, well, there's no lack of Cubans still alive who witnessed what that bastard did to their country, or who lost family to his firing squads for failure to accept their lot as obedient proles.